ASPartOfMe wrote:
IMHO "Wrong Planet" sends to negative a message, one that says we will never be a part of the human race. Also I have never seen any evidence we were dropped here by aliens.
I see your point, it can send the wrong message. It kinda implies we're not human on the inside.
That said, I don't think about it as anything other than a site name, so I don't mind this place being called Wrong Planet. Also: "Our planet also" sound like a site devoted to endangered species and/or animal rights.
I agree with those who say that it will draw in those who feel like they don't fit in, that they're different. It can serve as a beacon to the undiagnosed people out there.
I also agree with what B19 said that it's disrespectful to Alex. I too am very grateful that he created this place! WP means so much more to me than I can even express. It's a lifeline for my sanity, it's where I can connect with people who can understand parts of me that are not understood IRL. I have learned so much on here, and it has helped me come to term with anger issues I've had. I am definitely better off for its existence.
I should mention that when I initially joined WP back in 2008, I didn't necessarily agree about feeling 'misplaced' in this world, per se. I loved the planet, especially the animals and plants on it and, as far as people go, my dear relatives and acquaintances.
I have never felt like I am on the wrong planet either. I have always felt so very fond of and connected to animals and the planet Earth, and my beloved family and our pets!
Many years ago I had a dream where I somehow had crossed into a parallel dimension. Everything was the same but a little off. That is closer to how I feel: My surroundings are right, but some (though not all) things about interactions and society are off.
Since childhood I have felt like I might belong to another human culture, and I think that's why some of my obsessions have been on other cultures/ nations. I knew I didn't, but because I didn't feel any connection or community other than within my family, I think I was subconsciously looking for a place I fit in. Feeling alienated, on the outside looking in, is a far cry from feeling like an alien! I have felt different most of my life, but not non-human. For me it's a hyperbole to take the name literally, but like CyclopsSummers I have come to understand that some of us really feel that way, which means the name feels entirely accurate for some of us.