aylissa wrote:
OMG this is so totally true of me. If I see a show, I have to be right in front so I can see it and hear it, and if anybody talks, it is SO annoying because then I didn't hear what they just said and it's so hard to keep following it once you've been distracted...
I find that putting on subtitles helps immensely with certain shows. For instance, I can't watch the Sopranos without subtitles - I can't understand a thing any of them say. Once I learned that trick, I found the Sopranos much easier to follow.
BTW, I have CAPD (central auditory processing disorder)
I'm glad I'm not the only one who uses subtitles to understand what the heck is going on!
also, if I'm watching with anyone, it has to be something I've seen before, because I get distracted away from the plot. It helps if I read previews, or the DVD cover so I can understand what is supposed to be going on. Does anyone else get caught up in admiring something in the background, or the actor or actresses outfit, and then realize that they no longer know what's happening in the plot?
Dreams are renewable. No matter what our age or condition, there are still untapped possibilities within us and new beauty waiting to be born.
-- Dr. Dale Turner