No, I have no plans to leave WP. I am usually too busy to visit the site, but do try to squeeze in some time for a visit at least once a week. If I have a comment to make to a post I'll make it. If I don't have anything to add, obviously, I won't. And occasionally, I will generate posts of my own. I find the site to be a helpful source of info on Asperger's, related conditions, and co-morbids. I also benefit from the social contact here. I am an introverted hermit type of person, but I am non social, not anti social, so I do want occasional contact with others. This site provides a good source of that for someone who is not comfortable in dealing with people in person, although I do a little of that, too.
Many days can go by for me, with no social contact with anyone, and I'm fine with that, but I am not completely shut off from the world. I spoke to my father on the phone yesterday. About a week ago I said hi to a couple of different neighbors when I was out jump starting my dead car battery. I have a couple of those portable power packs that you charge up indoors, and then you can use them somewhere else to provide power, including to jump start a car. I have no garage, or car port, so I was standing on my parking pad working on the car and while I did that the neighbors just happened to go by. People in my complex are always walking or biking around the place, so it's not unusual to see someone when I go out. I make a point of waving and saying HI, so people will know I'm not some anti social creep. I think this has worked, because they all seem willing enough to respond or initiate a wave and a HI with me. Occasionally I will have more involved conversations with them, but due to health problems, I am not outside much. That's why my car battery was dead--I don't get out there and run it often enough, and there isn't a good place to plug a trickle charger in. I do have a small solar charger plugged into the cigarette lighter, but it's just not powerful enough. A bigger one wouldn't fit on my dashboard, so that's not an option.
Drifted off topic again, as I did with a comment to another post tonight. I am not about to give up WP. I like having this outlet for both social contact and useful info.
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured, or far away.--Henry David Thoreau