Aspiegirl89 wrote:
AspieDoug wrote:
1957-2007 A weird person with a funny way of walking, talking, relating, and a major disapointment to everyone who crossed my path.
1964 "Visual-perceptual deficits"--(they didn't know crap back then!) I couldn't pay attention and had a "bad attitude" also.
1989 Non-verbal learning disabilities and ADD
2000 Generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, social phobia, avoidant personality disorder, obsessive-compulsive spectrum disorder, motor coordination disorder
2007 Asperger's Syndrome.
are you non-verbal? Thats rad!
I hate to answer for AspieDoug, but nonverbal learning disorder does not mean a person with this diagnosis is nonverbal, or unable to speak. It means their verbal intelligence and the left hemisphere of their cortex are stronger than the nonverbal, or visual-spatial, intelligence and right hemisphere. They tend to have a poor sense of direction, have poor coordination, have little depth perception, and have poor social skills. It is closely related to Asperger's syndrome but not high-functioning autism.