B19 wrote:
The most severe conflict I have seen on WP has arisen from the (poorly understood it seems) process of "Othering". There have been a number of recent examples of it.
For all minorities, particularly, othering is an important concept to understand. A simple example is the "othering" most of us experienced in the playground at school. We were designated as "the other" by others who used that as justification for socially excluding and bullying us. (However I don't want this thread to go off on the bullying tangent, please).
Minorities are othered - if you haven't been othered at some time in your life, then no, you probably aren't on the spectrum (though you may have been othered and not realised it at the time).
Unfortunately, because of the psychological dynamics of oppression, some othered people sometimes feel compelled to inflict othering on other people within their own minority. This "horizontal oppression" has been extensively studied. There are plenty of discourses on the net about "Othering" "Hoizontal Oppression" and "Internalised Oppression" if you are interested in these issues and how they relate to othering that happens here and elsewhere.
Spot on.
Prior to autism entering my world I was for a long time involved in the atheist community on line. Now I'm British where being godless is not really a big deal but many of the American sites I used to post on were full of some very angry people and with just cause. Atheists are othered in America in fact they are statistically one of the least trusted minorities. They get a whole heap of s**t every day. And so many atheist communities on line were really really nasty to any theists that happened to come along to the forums. Now some theists were just trolling and deserved everything they got but the level of vitriol spewed by many of the atheists was completely over the top and counter productive in most cases.
In those safe havens of atheism on-line it was the Christians that were othered and its a very seductive thing. If you are part of the mob, as I was, then you do get tempted into joining in the attacks. I found myself verbally savaging some poor Christian on many an occasion. I tried my best to check myself on it but the temptation to get stuck in and attack was very real. You feel safe as you are part of the crowd, you feel justified cos you know you are right and you feel like getting a bit of revenge on these people because others like them have caused you harm. Its all to tempting to forget that these are people and to treat them as something less than. And this is all justified internatlly by the fact that they are seen as the problem in the world.
Ultimately now I a bit older and wiser I try to avoid such folly. My basic premiss in life is that people are basically good but most are ignorant. There are very few bad people in the world and most bad behaviour is simply due to a lack of knowledge or understanding. Education and good dialogue is what is required without judgement or vitriol. This is how we create real change.
Of course if after a load of education and good dialogue without judgement they still behave in bigoted and nasty ways then they have no excuse and so the gates of hell may justly be unleashed!! !