Has my sister a neuropsychological disorder?
She may have a couple of autistic traits - and your sister just may be a young teen with the un-evenness of development that is typical for her age: Little girl/young lady, independant/dependant, playing child/groomed adult and so on - all in one big mess.
Special Interest: Beethoven
It is interesting why the parents are both so aggressive, "aloof" or cold to their children. Maybe they have some autistic traits or mental disorder(s) themselves? Maybe their genes are responsible? I do not rule out the possibility of association between low birth weight to length ratio and mental disturbances in my family.
It is interesting for me if my sister is neurodiverse or not. I may even wonder if my parents are neurotypical... Maybe they aren't? And maybe my parents are so "weak" in parenting due to having mental anomalies? Both may present the same pattern of birth weight and lenght ((very) low percentile). Sister has higher percentile than mother, but brother is average and appears to be most neurotypical person in my family. I had not only low birth weigth (<2500 g - mother and sister have BW>2500 g) and BWLR below 5th percentile, but there was also an illness of mother before bearing the child and dystrophy of the newborn. But if perinatal issues can be the only thing responsible for my "weirdness"? Maybe I, my sister and brother got different combination of genes from the same parents - my was the most neurodiverse, sister got something in between, brother was luck and is NT? I am the eldest child of them, I appear to be most gifted scholastically despite my perinatal issues and AS diagnosis (paradox). If my sister is somebody with traits between mine and my brother's ones, she is not NT for me, but an "Aspijka". It is good that she is not so disturbed as I, but her behavior is often problematic. I am afraid that my children would be neurodiverse - it is problematic for the "environment", not only for a person who is neurodiverse. So I do not want to have a partner or child.
Why they are so nervous, vulgar, offensive, "aloof", cold, ignorant? Both present quite similar set of behaviors. Aspies may be better parents than they (I do not want to insult Aspies!). I once read about the family consisted of 5 Aspies (father, mother, two sons and daughter). This family appear to be more "normal" than my family.
I noticed interesting pattern about birth weight and birth length to weight ratio in my family. My brother had 3600 g and 57 cm (birth length in Poland is measured in other way than in WHO standards, so it is overestimated and most Polish newborns fall below 5th percentile on WHO birth weight-length percentile chart). I read a text in which there were percentile charts for Polish newborns (source: data about birth weight and length of above 1000 female and above 1200 male newborns from Warsaw) about weight-length "ratio". My brother was very "normal" - he was on about 50th percentile, his birth weight was average, even slightly larger than average value for boys.
My mother had 2800 g and 56 cm. 2800 g was more than 1 SD below average value for girls in the work which I read. And her birth length to weight ratio was very low according to percentile chart for Polish girls - below 3rd percentile (about 2 SDs below average, I may suppose). It means "asynchronous" development - relatively large birth length, but relatively low birth weight. My mother looks less NT for me than my brother... I might think that she has "broader phenotype" of a PDD. My sister appear for me to be less NT than mother. Her birth weight was 2650 g and body length 53 cm. Birth weight was about 1,5 SD below average and birth weight to length ratio was about 3rd percentile, maybe minimally lower.
I had 2150 g (LBW, dystrophy, about 2,75 SD below average) and 53 cm. Birth weight to length ratio was well below 3rd percentile. I was diagnosed with a PDD.
Why my mother has one "normal" child and two with lowered birth weight and very low birth weight to lenght ratio? Maybe it is genetic and associated with a PDD (rather not related to Kanner's disorder)? Why my brother was "normal"? My father had relatively low birth weight (2800 g), about 1,4 SD below average for Polish male newborns. I do not know what was his birth length, but he looks more "neurotypical" than my mother and less than my brother.
My sister may appear for me as someone who has "nca14ism" "lite" (something which may appear to be (very) mild form of my PDD, which is different from "traditional" ASDs). It may be like schizoid or schizotypal disorder compared to schizophrenia. It looks like a "new" branch of PDD, which may be associated with lowered birth weight which is markedly low in comparison to newborn's birth length. It may not give larger cognitive deficits. My sister may look "strange" to me, especially her voice, which may look "odd", "immature" od "somewhat childish", it even might give me an impression of some sort of handicap.
She appears to have good theory of mind. "Aspijkas" from Polish AS forum may appear to be "closer" to me, because they have "full" aspieness ("aucorigia"). My sister may have "neurotypicalised" aucorigia. My mother may have somewhat less neurodiverse - "aucorigised" neurotypicality. Brother is just "NT" in my opinion. My sister is closer to my mother than to me in my opinion.
My disorder may look as a quite severe form of "social reciprocity disorder" (SRD) - an ASD from a beta(?) version of ICD-11 (I may nickname it as "calm autism"). My sister may have a mild form of SRD. She may be a sort of "more normal, female version of me".
She had birth weight 2650 g, body length 53 cm, head circumference 32 cm (I had just birth weight which was 500 g lower in comparison to it, it meant hypotrophy and LBW, my sister had not them, but her birth weight was below average, about 8th - 9th percentile. Her birth length-weight percentile was about 3rd percentile on a Polish chart). Mother and father had the same birth weight - 2800 g (relatively low). They are somewhat quite poor in parenting. Mother had low birth length-weight percentile (I think that it was below 3rd percentile - she had 2800 g and 56 cm).
Mother of my mother had the sister, who might have profound autism. She did not speak, might have self-harming behaviors and died when she was just 8 years old. Grandson of my grandmother appears to have "classic" ASD.
My brother had 3600 g and 57 cm. He was clearly other than I and my sister. I and my sister may appear to belong to "one race". She had the same parents. I and she had lowered birth weight and birth length-weight percentile (BLWP). Our brother has not.
My sister told that she has no(?) need of being loved (by parents?) or accepted. She has somewhat "childish" voice. Her interests (earlier or present) looks somewhat "Aspergian" to me: horses, dogs, cats, manga-like drawings, anime, politics(?), "sociology"(?), wanting to be a singer... She has not "Kanner-like" disorder. I would not name it as "NLD". It may appear as mild "social reciprocity disorder".
She appears to be less obsessive, "hyperactive" than me. Her traits look less "bizarre". She appear to have better social skills. She had not "dystrophy" on birth.
She looks quite aucorigic to me. More than my mother, but significantly less than I. I think that it would be good if we would do something with it. Her results in elementary school were rather poorer than mine, she has also rather relatively low grades from physical education. She may look somewhat "strange" or "immature" for me. She rather do not like fiction literature (but even some Aspijkas like(d) it), she may have just average intelligence. I do not know why she may appear why she may look so "withdrawn". I suppose that she may have some sort of "Aspieism" because she had also relatively low birth weight and birth length-weight ratio, but not in so "drastic" way as I. She may even have a mild version of my sort of autisticity (which is a calm one by itself). Aspijkas from Polish AS forum may look more "bright" and "feisty" than her. She looks concerningly similar to me Both parents had not so high birth weigth (2800 g). It is about 15th percentile. The product of their percentiles is about 12*16 = 192 (100*100 = 10000 (100%), 192 = 1,92%). And parents have some problems with parenting, they can quite often be "impulsive" and aggressive. Only brother had birth weight above 20th percentile. It is interesting what is the probability of the situation that four of five randomly chosen people would have birth weight below 20th percentile.
So for me my sister may be worse than many bright girls with full-blown "polymixia". Maybe she has not so hight IQ and/or intellectual abilities? She had lower average grade than me on fifth grade (more than 0,5 lower than mine - it may be from 1,0 to 6,0). She may have a "polymictoidia". She may be mentally quite like me, but not "nerdy", "kooky" and "twitty". She may be affected by milder version of my acoria. I do not have classic autism spectrum disorder. She is "addicted" to the computer or Internet in my opinion. At the beginning of the school she was somewhat "shy" (I think that it might be a result of her possible mild aspieness). Aspijkas may look more similar to me than my born sister, they have more significant acoric symptoms.
For me she can have a form of developmental "social reciprocity disorder" from earlier proposed ICD-11. She looks "intermediate" between me and my brother (NT). She told that she likes talking about her (good or bad), was not (so) interested in what other people think about her. She may be "addicted" to Internet/computer. She was "shy" in her early school years. She is not interested in fashion (maybe does not understand it)? She was pretty good student in elementary school, somewhat "worse" than me, also had low grades in PE. She is not religious, talked about herself as an "atheist" once (I also have marked problems with religion). She liked animals like cats and dogs. Sometimes she named me or grandmother as "moron" or even "idiot", as I remember. She appears to have "NLD profile", like I. She probably started to talk in first year of life, but I may remember that she started to walk about 14th month of her life.
My mother said that I started to walk when I was about 13 months old... And I might say first word when I was just 7 months old. It suggests "hyperlogism" in our cases. My sister looks somewhat "NVLDish" for me, she had some problems with reading clock when was about 6 years old and might learn how to ride a bike later than me, se had also "worse" handwriting than me. But also not as a person with "schizotypal autism" (I have disgnoses of F84.5 and F21) or as someone who is on the spectrum of "classic autism". We are obviously different than classic Aspies and I think that our conditions highly probably do not belong to one spectrum with Kanner's syndrome.
I suppose that in America my sister might be classified as having NLD. I think that it is wrong. "NLD profile" has different causes. She was a good student. She has not dyscalculia, was somewhat "clumsy" like me. She is rather a verbal thinker like I. For me she was once somewhat similar to a person who is supposed by me to be on the spectrum of pathological demand avoidance syndrome (but that person started to speak somewhat late and has quite marked sensory issues). My sister had no speech delay.
Probably, she has. You should get consulted and tested first. And get an appropriate treatment. One of the most promising ones in stem cells treatment like the uctclinic provides. It really helps people with such a problem
She is similar to me, has similar mentality. I could even said that it looks as a sort of autism, but (like I) does not appear to have something (more) related to Kanner's autism... She can be really rude to others. The girl was "shy" at the beginning of the school, had only one girlfriend in home, spends very large amounts of time alone with the computer, mobile phone or TV, has "man-like" or somewhat "childish" voice... I suppose that she even can be a sort of Aspijka. She has no prosopagnosia, thinking rigidity, rigid routines etc. It does not look like just "NLD", she does not look so bizarre as I. I think that good will could help her. I suppose that she has similar way of thinking to mine, but she has not so marked "Aspieness" (less obsessive, better general social skills, maybe better executive functioning) as I, but still appears to be "a bit strange".
I suppose that she does not fit current PDD criteria, but I see that her condition may be on the one spectrum with mine. Her best average grade was probably 4,75, I had 5, some diagnosed Aspergirls have larger average grades than we (such as 5,5 or even 5,9). She did not start to read so early as I (maybe in school, not earlier). Her condition may be something between mine (schizotypal aspieness) and my brother's (NT, even more "normal" than parents). She is not so "typical" like my brother, but also not so "bizarre" as I. But she may be not interested in being loved by other, which looks autistic for me. She may do not "understand" fashion (which is not so negative trait, I think that fashion is bad). She may look somewhat "man-like" in behavior. She is a good student, somewhat "worse" than me. I would not call it "social learning disability" or "nonverbal learning disorder", it looks to be other type of emotionality. When I asked my mother if my sister has the same condition as I (I suppose that my mother may think about Asperger's), my mother said: "but she can mask herself". I suppose that my sister may in fact have the same condition as I have (I was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome and schizotypal disorder, second diagnosis does not fit to my sister, I think rather definitely so...). I may remember that she was interested with horses and cats as a young girl (Aspijkas often like cats really much, I observe it ). My family may think that she is just normal or "rude", "impolite". She may have other mental needs, as I have. "Normal" socialising may be not so attractive for her.
Maybe it is an undescribed sort of PDD? I suppose that her main difference may lie in emotionality. I read about a woman with classic high-functioning ASD, who wanted to have friends in elementary school, was bullied, has IQ 180 as a 6-years-old girl, her average grade was probably 5,8 at least once and she was really good in contests about school subjects (so it means that she was a gifted child and prime student despite being on the spectrum). She had birth weight 4,5 kg. But she had marked difficulties in recognising people, large sensory problems in sight and smell. Her way of thinking is typical to "standard" ASDs. We have more "traditional", "verbal" thinking, are not "autistic", at least in "typical" way.
I had 2150 g, my sister had 2650 ("strange" character in my family can appear to be associated in low birth weight, interestingly (parents had 2800 g and are for me "unbalanced" emotionally, brother had 3600 g and is "normal"). Maybe it is a (genetic?) feature of this sort of PDD spectrum? I and siblings had not premature birth and our Apgar score was 10/10.
I saw three votes saying that she has NOT a neuropsychological disorder. But for me she looks somewhat "strange". I have line scratch on the neck after her "attack" which occurred yeaterday because of my loud behaviors (stims?). She can be aggressive towards me, does not like stimming which appears to be irritating for her. Am I only one "odd" person in my family? My sister probably was not mobbed in school (unlike me). Her developmental condition may be something intermediate between my form of "polymixia" (my neologism which mean something like "pervasive developmental disorder") and NTness of my brother - not a polymixia, but not a standard "NTness", however. I called it "polymictoidia", maybe it is my condition in "lite" version? She does not appear to be depressive or neurotic. I read about Aspijkas who have higher average grades than my sister, but they had obvious troubles with recognising people and had "idiosyncratc" methods of dealing in social situations... My sister has much more "normal" way of thinking in my opinion, such as I. I suppose that my disorder is not on one spectrum with childhood autism despite my AS diagnosis. My sister should be even more "neurotypical" than I.
I read about two girls who were strangely similar to my sister, who are in similar age and appear to be even more gifted than her, but also with more Aspergian symptoms. My sister got referral to psychologist and psychiatrist, but she took it from my mother and bent it, maybe also binned it. Some hours later my mother said that my sister did "correct" thing because she could "destroyed" her life because of the visit (I do not translate it so precisely).
Symptoms which I see in my sister are for me similar to oppositional-defiant disorder and schizoid personality disorder, but certainly not to Kanner's syndrome. My sister appears to have "mild NLD profile" (such as I). So her condition may looks like mild forms of NVLD and schizoid disorder. I suppose that it may be related to my condition.