badgerface wrote:
Does anyone else have a specific mental image or "place" they "go to" in their head; either for comfort or when feeling anxious or maybe to help with preventing a MeltDown?
I personally like to imagine myself in the middle of a forest somewhere, miles from anyone else, in a well-built shelter of some sort. I think about it when going to sleep, imagine myself tucked up under thick blankets, warmed by a camp-fire; nowhere near anyone else, and completely separated from the real world... something like this:
It sounds more to me like you want to escape the conceptual construct of society (hive-mind), and actually get more in contact with the real world.
As a child I had a real place located in a dip in a White Pine forest where I used sections of logs and dead tree limbs to construct a type of fort in the shape of a square, that I called "the compass" because I had designed it to point in each of four directions. It was heavily shaded, covered in 3 to 4 inches of pine straw all around, and very quiet and peaceful but for some bird song. All around it was surrounded by some Christmas Ferns, Pink Lady's Slipper Orchids, and many patches of White Indian Pipes like in this picture below. The dipped shape of the forest apparently encouraged the spores/seeds of these plants to gather in this area. It always gave me a special feeling being there.