Zajie wrote:
What does people first language mean?...
It's the practice of putting the person before the disability.
For instance, saying that a person is Autistic is hurtful in the sense that it defines the person by the disorder, which is wrong because defining people by their disorders is the same as defining people by the color of their skin -- it is bigotry, plain and simple.
A "People First" form would be to say that the person has Autism, or has a disorder on the Autistic spectrum.
So which is more correct: "I have the flu" or "I am fluic"?
The answer should be obvious.
So Bill Cosby is a "person with Blackness", and you are "a person with maleness", and "a person with Americanness", and the Pope is "a person with Catholocity"? Lol!
Seriously. What does wasting eight syllables saying someone is "a person with aspergers" accomplish that using three syllable to say that the said person is "an aspie" doesnt accomplish? Nothing but waste breath.