Every waking moment...it's because I've always got so many things wrong that I am now programmed to think, think, think before I do anything out of the routine. It buggers me up for days and weeks if I get even the littlest thing wrong in a social exchange. I cringe and cringe and can't face myself mentally - so it's become really important to me to analyse mistakes so that I can learn not to do it again.
Yes me too, and usually after observing myself in social situations, like you I always analyze what transpired. Much more pleasant if I do well.
Like yesterday I had to go to my friends sisters, (I had asked her to borrow something and her sister had one,
just my luck)well my friend practically made me go even though I resisted valiantly.
In any case I did fairly well, until the end when I threw out the comment "Gimme a call" (I should ad here there her sister is an acquaintance of 20 years) and her sister replied "I do but you never call back"
What does one say to that?
Well, I said "Yeah... I know" and we left, and I thought... wow, what an idiot I am.
You would think after 40 years I could get it right, I just need more time to think than a spontaneous conversation allows, otherwise I always look like some a-hole.