I was born in the UK before the end of the Second World War and my parents were conscientious objectors on religious grounds, so were under 'house arrest' and had to work in registered heavy industries vital to the defense of the realm. My mother had only a week's leave from work to have me, so had to return to work 3 days after she brought me home from hospital. We lived with her maternal grandfather, who was retired and a widower, in whose care I was left six days a week, while my parents were at work and missionary evening classes as they planned to develop a missionary settlement abroad when the war came to an end. He was deaf, dumb, autistic, and very feral as his mother, who had also been deaf, dumb and autistic ran away from home when he was born, taking him with her, as she was was afraid her parents would take him away from her and bring him up as their own child. She did not run very far away from their house, but lived in the woodlands near it, as the house was part of a large landed estate, that specialized in growing exotic trees, shrubs and plants for sale to the building and landscape architecture trades of the 19th century. He had been found by his mother's younger sister, after his mother and her mother and father had died, and she had taken him into her home and treated him rightly as a nephew, and eventually married him and had children by him, as marriages between close members of the same family, was not greatly frowned upon in those days. The fact that he was deaf and dumb was probably more to do with the fact that his mother was deaf and dumb and he had not therefore got any tuition or practice in using his hearing and voice as normal people do, particularly as they were 'hiding out' in the woodlands so close to the house, so they would have needed to keep silent so as not to be discovered. But, despite that, he was a genius and learned to read and write quickly to a very high standard, and, taught all their children and their children's children to do likewise. To make up for his deafness and dumbness, he used para - normal faculties that animals and birds use, principally, telepathy and psychokinesis, which he used for teaching his familial pupils to read and write. So, to keep me entertained while my parents were at work, he taught me to read and write to a very high standard too. But he also knew some other neat metaphysical tricks, particularly remote viewing, going out of body, and putting his body and brain into near death coma. So, he taught me how to do these too, and we used them together to see and examine items of interest near and far, and to visit places near and far, and go to heaven to visit his wife, mother, and father and other ancestors, and they used to give me supplementary tutorials in their various fields of expertise and knowledge. We used to spend every morning from 6:00 am to 12:00 noon, reading and studying a children's encyclopaedia in 100 soft-backed installments as a curriculum, supplemented with daily newspapers, weekly magazines and monthly journals that he hoarded in his cottage for just such occasion and use. Then we would spend the afternoon and evening, 1:00pm to 9:00pm, in heaven with our ancestors and my tutorials. All work and no play iike this certainly made me a boring boy, but I never left the house. except for church on Sundays, so I did not have much opportunity to discover I was so odd compared to normal people. I never therefore had any other option but to accept who I was. That is how I was brought up for the first three and half years of my life.
adriantesq - Born 1945, diagnosed as Savant 1949, Autist 1950, Unfulfilled musical genius 1953, Autistic Psychopath 1960, Aspie 1994, appointed as the County Surveyors Society Chief Instructor Suicide Avoidance and Prevention in 1995, became Amazon Best Selling Author in Biographies and Memoirs of Childhood Autism and Asperger's Syndrome 2014, and Ambassador for Autie and Aspie Students of Energime University 2016.