olympiadis wrote:
kicker wrote:
campboy92 wrote:
Norny wrote:
campboy92 wrote:
i think that misogyny/sexism/racism/prejudice towards people with mental illness is going to exist as long as humans do, so it's better for all of us to retreat to our own world and live out our own beliefs, and respect and treat everyone with as much kindness and be as harmless to one another but to believe all of that is going to change? Can neurotypicals not understand that humans are awful, and there's no sign of that changing? I am not apathetic... but am I crazy?
I don't get it
I mean why is it so hard for them to not grow up and accept the world for as it is ? Why do they have to be so invested in conflict and right or worng
Are you accepting the world as it is?
I think he's accepting the world as it is, but just not the mind viruses that are hosted by many people in the world.
ate of others one day, and those same actions become unacceptable or offensive the next day, is the result of evolving ideexpectas. This is the problem with po
Ideas are not concrete and they evolve. That you can have actions that are kind and considerlitical correctness. It s punishment for not hosting the most current mind viruses.
It is acceptable that peoples ideals, values and perspectives fluctuate and that they may represent these fluctuation differently as they evolve. What is not acceptable is the idea that you must express your opinions, as they evolve, in ways that are deliberately inconsiderate, rude and disrespectful. That has nothing to do with evolving concepts. That is just a personality that doesn't care. Refusing to reflect on their own personality changes, and indifference to other peoples feelings, intentionally, regardless of life phases, SHOULD be, intolerable and unacceptable. Instead, this behavior is encouraged, gleefully, by those who seek personal gain at any cost.