No, I really can't control it when I get hit with one. It's like a virus and has to run it's course, though I find I can "starve" it sometimes. Also, if I don't have a strong obsession, it's like I have no compass, no guidance, like I need it just to live. An obsession or drive to do a certain activity (I am compelled to really do my obsessions, not just learn about them) is extremely difficult to truly redirect, IMO. I have to be careful of which ones I feed because I have learned how painful, frustrating, and even anxiety-inducing it is to not be able to carry them out to completion. There are some things I want to do, but I don't because they would be too expensive, or my mind is already too absorbed in a current, long- standing interest and the other new one just doesn't have the attraction or pull as the other. I also have this thing where I feel the need to be "consistent" and "dependable" and there are times when I have actually felt guilty for losing interest in a topic. This isn't helped when someone close to you criticizes you for being all excited about something and then not being all excited about it.
RDOS Aspie Score: 145 or 144/200 Aspie, 68 or 57/200 NT
Defies categorization. A mixed bag.