Tawaki wrote:
My husband has a genius high IQ. He had manipulate 3D shapes in his head and draw them. His attention to detail is stunning. He is hyperlexic.
If I was not living with him, he would almost qualify for group home living. All that boring adult stuff people do every day, is excruciating for him. Bills, getting prescriptions, buying food...it's not that he is issues are as severe as yours, he just doesn't have the umph to get it done. Like an energy barrier?
My husband has some other psychiatric comorbids which makes the executive functioning and TOM really difficult.
You are not the only one.
I know for me that it is not an energy barrier. It is that I live in my head too much. I will notice something needs to get done (like the laundry needs to get folded), but the laundry is in my bedroom. At the time I notice it, I don't really have time to do it for some reason, and as soon as I leave the room, I'm back in my head thinking about other stuff. I forget all about it until I return to my bedroom at night and say, "Darn. I was supposed to fold the laundry." And as the pile gets bigger and bigger, the project gets longer. It's now almost midnight and I'm ready for bed and too tired to do it. I think, "I will do it tomorrow." Then the cycle repeats. When I need clothes, I have to dig them out of the pile. At least it is clean! But, if my stuff is wrinkled, you know why... (It is almost a RULE that I buy wrinkle-free clothing!)
But why is the laundry clean but not folded? Easy. First, it takes very little time to start a load of laundry. I can do that almost immediately WHEN I think of it. Also, the machines make beeps to tell me it is done. I really should set an alarm on my phone for every single mundane thing I need to do.
I can't even remember to take medicine.
It's a lot of "out of sight, out of mind" stuff. I get wrapped up in my own head and the ideas there are a lot more interesting that what's going on "in the real world." Even when someone starts talking to me, I don't know I am being talked to until halfway through the sentence. It took years for my husband to realize that I *really* do not hear/comprehend, and that it is not just me ignoring him. One time, I explained that what it sounds like is "hhmph huh nuh hah bwah sauce", and I only catch the very end. Now, the rule is that someone must *say my name* and get my undivided attention before starting to talk. Even just the other day, someone started talking to me, but I thought he was talking to someone else. Halfway through the sentence I realized, "Oh, he's talking to me! Quick, fill in the blanks of what he just said! Catch up and pay attention now!" If I am reading or writing anything, I will not even respond to a greeting. My ears *hear* what is said, and I might even process and understand the words. But the link from that to stopping what I am doing and responding is broken.