Did you ever get accused of not paying attention in class?

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Pileated woodpecker
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17 Feb 2015, 12:48 am

InThisTogether wrote:
emax10000 wrote:
So for non NTs, developing strategies to deal with this is a vital, vital part of college prep.

Do you have strategies? The only thing I could ever come up with was meticulous note taking in a very organized outline structure. Focusing on completing the outline forced me to pay attention. My son, however, has dysgraphia so this will not likely work for him. He, like me, is sometimes unable to control his attention, and he is going to start high school next year and I am worried about the transition.

For me, deep breathing exercises and regular fitness exercise and practicing deep breathing on a regular basis was helpful. Even things like stress balls were helpful. For every kid it is different so unfortunately there is no magic formula that will work for every kid. Perhaps even if he is dyslexic if he is writing something related to what the lecture is about it could help; it might be that the key is for him to be doing something active in class so his mind does not wander.


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17 Feb 2015, 1:42 am

At the begging of the year my teachers thought I wasn't paying attention sense I wasn't even looking at them partly due to a low vision disorder but they left me alone after they asked me questions & I proved I was paying attention.

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17 Feb 2015, 2:58 am

Accused? I often would just flat-out not pay attention. :P I had more important priorities, like writing random lists and listening to music. Most of the stuff they teach in public school is just useless filler anyway.

Tufted Titmouse
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17 Feb 2015, 3:13 am

I rarely got accused of not paying attention, but I did get picked to answer questions all the time because they thought I wasnt. I tend to look zoned out in social situations even if I'm the one paying most attention.

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17 Feb 2015, 8:52 am

Sweetleaf wrote:
So this I think relates sort of to the eye contact issues...I remember teachers a lot of times thought i wasn't paying attention because I wasn't looking at them, but that didn't mean I wasn't paying attention. I remember one time when I was pretty young a teacher chastised me for not paying attention and said to look at them and pay attention, so I informed them that I can't hear with my eyes...which they took to be me being a smart a**, but I was legitmately confused about how looking at the teacher correlated with listening. It took me quite a while to figure out that was normal and most people look at someone if they are paying attention to what they're saying.

Still am bad at it, but now I know it helps if I explain it to them...

I remember nearly the exact same event in my own life. Teachers would call and complain to my parents that I wouldn't be looking at them but then they'd ask me a question and I'd know the answer. They felt I was a distraction to other kids and wanted to put me into Gifted as a result. Instead I ended up in a Private School at the time.


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17 Feb 2015, 11:06 am

As a child in gradeschool was notorious for day dreaming, and not paying attention, and being in my "own world".

Really not paying attention. Not just seeming to not pay attention. Though my eye contact with teachers was ok.


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17 Feb 2015, 12:14 pm

Yes, I sometimes get caught sleeping in class ha ha

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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17 Feb 2015, 12:17 pm

Yes, it's happened to me before. And some of the reasons include:
- Not looking at the teacher and instead, looking at my desk or looking out the window.

- Spacing out and even closing my eyes due to feeling tired.


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17 Feb 2015, 12:30 pm

All the time because I can't listen for long periods of the time and I get tired and sleepy and I can't even remember half of what is said. No one seemed to get this so I suspect lot of people don't have this issue so I know me being in class where the teacher goes bla bla bla, I can't handle those classes and not able to take them. I never looked at the teacher much either, neither did other kids in my classes.

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17 Feb 2015, 3:10 pm

yes.. it was true for me though.
was always bored out of my minds..


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17 Feb 2015, 3:34 pm

Jacoby wrote:
All the time and later on I wasn't paying attention to them. I use to put my head down a lot like I was sleeping or whatever(I think I did this mostly I was just tired, sometimes I just didn't want to be there tho and it seemed less overwhelming) but I'd still listen to the teacher lecture on usually, if I was actually present in the class I'd usually do pretty well on the tests even tho I didn't seemingly pay attention or do my assignments. Some teachers hated my guts and did not tolerate me in their classes, it was strangely personal for someone that wasn't a distraction and I never quite understood it.

I did well on tests as well, some teachers seemed to accept it was just how I processed things because I still did well on the tests, and assignments I remembered. But yeah I remember with some the'd get on me about 'not paying attention' so I'd try really hard to look like I was paying attention and then miss important things, like when they asked to start working on something, then I'd have to ask what exactly we where supposed to do again...you can imagine the more intolerant teachers loved that...NOT, some did also seem to take sort of personal issues with me like I felt like they thought I was some kinda threat to them or their ego, that is all I could really come up with. But yeah I never could see why I got so much crap for being 'quiet' and keeping to myself when left alone around people I don't know too well...oh and my hobby every parents and teachers worst nightmare...reading books. :lol:

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17 Feb 2015, 3:48 pm

Yes, and I was often "called back" numerous times after venturing out the window and up into the sky. "Concentrate, girl!" and I concentrated on concentrating. It was somewhat of a problem in the early years and partly due to boredom, but also to the need of an escape from the strain of being in a conflict zone.
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18 Feb 2015, 8:38 am

Yes, I recently moved and stumbled upon my "childhood mementos" box. I read all my report card (from two different provinces) and ALL my teachers said almost word for wrod "great student, happy and eager to help but needs to PAY ATTENTION".