kraftiekortie wrote:
Being myself got me bullied as well. But you have to stick to your guns.
I had this discussion with some guy, about 25, who was bullied as a kid. He felt like he was a "broken vase" which couldn't be fixed. What I told him: You're an adult now. You could create a new vase for youself--you have the freedom to do so!
You're 19 now. If people bully you now, just call the cops!
Such an important and liberating realization!
I was really distressed when I had a bullying boss after leaving all that stuff behind in my childhood. Being mocked and belittled by a person in authority at work really took me back to those childhood torments... but then I realized that I am a powerful adult with rights and his behavior seemed childish. I played by the rules and he was not able to fire me, and he met some other setbacks and did not get the promotion he expected. He began drinking heavily and ultimately left the firm.
It is really good to realize that you don't have to be a victim and you aren't doomed to replay bad childhood experiences forever.