Spoof Study Claimed 92% Of Convicted Murderers on Spectrum

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06 Mar 2015, 3:49 pm

Jono wrote:
Orangez wrote:
Studies like these like to redefine the meaning of murder so they can twist the statistics to prove their point.

Please read the whole thread before commenting. It's all a hoax, someone's idea of satire. It's not a real study, it was made up.

The same website wrote articles about how solar panels "drain the Sun" and how women on the pill are more at risk of STD infection. Both of them are ridiculous claims.

But, it is true in any case it is a good lesson to learn that one should look at the definition of they are look at. As this is probably the point of the satire.


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06 Mar 2015, 5:25 pm

I wish this study would be put on "Mass Ignore" so it would just GO AWAY!


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23 Sep 2016, 5:35 pm

This article is pretty biased. Likely is that a lot of the inmates might have symptoms of Asperger syndrome due to spending so much time in a loud and isolated environment which can cause almost anyone to become more withdrawn and isolated from others and to become extremely susceptible to loud noises especially fluorescent lights.

Most people with who are in prison most likely have been falsely convicted; case in point Kimber Edwards who has autism and was wrongly accused by his roommate of hiring him to kill his ex-wife in order to escape with the death penalty. Recently last year, Orthell Williams, the man who wrongly accused his friend of killing his ex-wife confesed the truth and said that he killed her during a heated argument. He implicated Edwards for fear of the death penalty even though the killing was technically a manslaughter.

Because of Edwards false confession under brutal interrogation tactics and the fact that he was accused by the murderer, he was set to be executed on October 5th 2015 and after Revelations came out of his Autism and Othrell Williams confession of what really happened, Missouri governor Jay Nixon commuted his sentenced to life in prison without parole even though he is technically innocent.

Another case is Paul modrowski an autistic man serving life without parole for absolutely no reason. He wasn't even convicted of murder, but accountability to murder which means he is indirectly responsible for somebody's death, but in the state of Illinois is even a a person who didn't kill anyone but was partly responsible and committing the crime that led to the murder can be convicted under that law.

What happened in his case was that the police department in this early arrested him in connection with a murder in Barrington Illinois, Paul was also wanted in questioning in a mass murder which the police were really after and considered Paul and his friend as the prime suspects.

Paul claimed that when he was being interrogated by by the Palatine Police Department his Miranda rights were violated, he was not given access to a lawyer and the police were abusing him physically to try to get him to confess.

Paul claimed that he never confess to the crime but the police officers involved in such a rush to solve the crime of the mass murder that according to Paul the police officers made up a false testimony where Paul claimed that he lent his car to his friend in order to commit the murder.

The reason the confession was likely false was because II fashion did not have Paul signature and that there was no audio or Visual Evidence of Paul's confession.

In addition, no murder weapon was found and the murder suspect who police believed poll in the car too and was also charged in the murder was acquitted of the murder comma yet two days after the murder suspect a acquittal, Paul modrowski was found guilty of accountability to first-degree murder for supposedly renting a car to a man who was found innocent.

What led the jury to convict Paul was not the evidence but Paul's behavior in the courtroom with the jury characterized as being very unfeeling and emotionless and what made it harder for the jury to realize that it was Paul's autism that caused the lack of emotion was the lawyers not revealing to the jury that Paul was autistic, which caused the jury and the judge to assume that Paul was a cold calculating murderer.

Paul was diagnosed at Age 2 and had the evidence of Paul's autism been presented in the courtroom Paul would have likely being seen as a man with a disability who is being wrongfully set up by his friend and the friend would have likely faced discrimination charges and perjury charges.

The former judge who sentenced Paul to the maximum possible penalty for his supposed crime fully regretted sentencing him to prison as he realized that Paul was likely innocent.

Right now Paul and his lawyers are trying to have a stain of blood on the murder suspect car to be tested and if the stain of blood belongs to the murder victim it will be proof that Paul did not lend the car and he will hopefully be freed.

Paul was at his parents house on the night of the murder.

And to get back on the issue of people's autism in prison it is very unlikely that most of the people in prison have autism this is just a ruse by the University of Wyoming to be prejudiced against people with autism since they assume that people with autism have no emotions and are murderers this very notion disgusts me and the University of Wyoming should apologize to the autism community for their foolish and stupid attempt to make the us look bad.

It is possible that there are more people with High functioning autism in prison than with autism, but that is because of the harsh interrogation interrogation tactics (lying) (threats) to coerce a person with autism to confess.

Interrogating police officers might try harder to have a person with asperger's to confess because the anxiousness of being in a dark room with people shouting at you to tell the truth no matter how much you tell the truth and claim that you are innocent, they will only yell louder. They will notice the lack of eye contact as thinking the person has something to hide.

Once the police officers notice the signs of what they perceive as guiltiness they will grill the person until they talk and if the person isn't aware that they could have a lawyer present with them during interrogation Kama especially if the officers chose not to read the Miranda Rights the person with or without autism could be susceptible to deception by the police officers.

There needs to be a law where any confession not evidenced by video and audio combined can not be admissible in court as a confession I'm thinking about starting a petition to the US government to make it a law that any confession in court in both state and federal courts that a person who confessed to a crime was not coerced in any way shape or form to prevent what happened to Paul modrowski Kimber Edwards from repeating itself.


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23 Sep 2016, 5:47 pm

Read the earlier posts, it was a spoof article.

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23 Sep 2016, 9:09 pm

Who bumped this thread? :roll: I HATE seeing threads like these, it freaks me out.



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23 Sep 2016, 10:12 pm

I agree that the title as it stands could really upset some members, and if there is no objection, I could change the thread title to read "Spoof study claimed.." to avoid some of that upset and misunderstanding.


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23 Sep 2016, 10:18 pm

B19 wrote:
I agree that the title as it stands could really upset some members, and if there is no objection, I could change the thread title to read "Spoof study claimed.." to avoid some of that upset and misunderstanding.

I support this,

But I also have a much thicker skin on the Internet then in real life because I don't tend to think of users as human, I know that sounds horrible but it allows me to remove myself socially. I am aware that users are human, I just try not to think about it.


Honestly I don't know why you didn't lock the thread when you said,

B19 wrote:
It's nasty not funny to me.

But I guess to be fair there is little that breaks the rules here.


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23 Sep 2016, 10:28 pm

dcj123 wrote:
B19 wrote:
I agree that the title as it stands could really upset some members, and if there is no objection, I could change the thread title to read "Spoof study claimed.." to avoid some of that upset and misunderstanding.

I support this,

But I also have a much thicker skin on the Internet then in real life because I don't tend to think of users as human, I know that sounds horrible but it allows me to remove myself socially. I am aware that users are human, I just try not to think about it.


Honestly I don't know why you didn't lock the thread when you said,

B19 wrote:
It's nasty not funny to me.

But I guess to be fair there is little that breaks the rules here.

If it has been opened by a troll it would be against the rules, and locked, though there is no indication that the OP is a troll,her mistaken belief seems like a genuine error to me. No-one has breached any rules that I can see (thus far).


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23 Sep 2016, 10:29 pm

It's really more like "92% of adult My Little Pony fans are on the spectrum". Amirite?


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23 Sep 2016, 10:32 pm

92% love cats seems more accurate perhaps :)


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24 Sep 2016, 12:58 am

And how many people on the spectrum feel insulted by such a study, joke or not I've came across such claims that we're all ticking time bombs, I research serial killers quite a lot, there are a few prominent cases where they specifically targeted young gay men such as the macabre and prolific cases of Dahmer and Dennis Nilsen because they struggled with their own sexuality in a time which was a lot different, does that mean 92% of serial killings in eras gone by were conducted by gay men, such a redundant thing to centre upon, killers have all kinds of twisted motives, compositions and problems leading there, autism brings many upsetting things onto a person but to commit murder they need more than to be affected by autism to push them toward such an extreme and black path.


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24 Sep 2016, 2:47 am

I think there is a 92% chance people are going to be still talking about this spoof study in the year 2525, if man is still alive, if woman can survive. :(

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24 Sep 2016, 1:04 pm

Hm, that's an interesting study. Okay, theory time. I'm not trying to excuse murder by any stretch, but maybe Aspies react like that because society treats us like s**t?

Not a murderer, btw. Just fyi.


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24 Sep 2016, 1:16 pm

Why do people do this? Why do they love to make up such outrageous things and dwell on the negative and not see the positive things? Many if not most of the world's greatest inventors and authors and artists and entertainers have had some type of disability, but no, people want everyone to be "normal" because the slightest abnormal behavior is a sign we're doing something like hiding a collection of nun's heads in our deep freezer. :roll:

The deeper we go into the 21st Century, the more NT's act like its the Dark Ages. Nothing has changed since the bad old days when people with epilepsy were burned at the stake. :(


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24 Sep 2016, 1:28 pm

I don't understand why a university would allow spoof research articles on its website, especially when the "joke" is about a disability. It exhibits poor taste and poor judgement, and diminishes the school's overall credibility. :?

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24 Sep 2016, 1:32 pm

lostonearth35 wrote:
Why do people do this? Why do they love to make up such outrageous things and dwell on the negative and not see the positive things? Many if not most of the world's greatest inventors and authors and artists and entertainers have had some type of disability, but no, people want everyone to be "normal" because the slightest abnormal behavior is a sign we're doing something like hiding a collection of nun's heads in our deep freezer. :roll:

The deeper we go into the 21st Century, the more NT's act like its the Dark Ages. Nothing has changed since the bad old days when people with epilepsy were burned at the stake. :(

Why do they do this? Okay, I'll tell you. Because the morons that have the audacity to call themselves "normal" and use autistic as a bashing hate word are the worst people I know. They would deny us employment, safety, EVEN OUR VERY LIVES for the sake of their own convenience. They make such awful claims about us, but how many aspies are beaten to death every year? Don't see that making the news.

Demonization is the first step on the road to propaganda. How long will it be before police officers are gunning down confused "dangerous" autistic adults because "they felt their safety was threatened", no doubt helped along by reports like this? How long until they herd us into reservations, asylums or even camps "for our protection"? It doesn't matter if this report was faked. Damage is already done.