Quantum wrote:
Hello everybody!
Every once in a while (2 times a week) we study physics in school which is my strong interest. Everytime someone works with my interest my egocentricism kicks in and it makes me feel mentally ill. It pretty much gives me a melt down and I can not do anything about it other than somehow express my feelings openly.
How am I supposed to approach this problem? It's quite frustrating for me to pretend as if physics is my gem than everyone is looking after. I'm not sure if jealousy is the correct term for it, probably more like "it's my lawn".
Any suggestions? Is it normal to get this feeling to an extreme degree?
Glad most people answered 'NO' -- that is most people with AS (including myself) would politely acknowledge, and learn from the other person's interests esp. if they're very experienced in the given areas of interest.
The difficulties associated with Aspergers in understanding people with both mutual, and different interests are absorbing i.e., "putting one's mind around" empathizing with other people's viewpoints.
With Aspergers, the main problems are relating to people with different interests. With practice/experience, it becomes easier to acknowledge an ample-diversity of people/experiences.