Thanks for sharing that link. I feel that this, while accurate, has a very NT-perspective. It lists the aspie traits the scientific literature is aware of and explains how they relate to depression. That is indeed helpful, but I feel like some key element is missing.
I'm not saying the "unloved/shame" element from the NYT article is it, though. I'm just not sure *what* it is. It's interesting to read different people's perspectives here to get a sense of how we think through these problems and what resonates with us, and what helps us. I do agree we will have different answers, but I like that we are exploring these issues together so we can see where we overlap.
I thought another addition would be good. Yes, it has NT-perspective, as you wrote because an NT wrote it. More causes that can cause depression is, of being more prone to bullying, for example. Many are not even treated like a living being because of not being the same way as those who cause that pain. I could list more, but my point is, that there are many many things which can cause depression in an individual. This case is with being on the spectrum. It can happen when there are too many bad things someone cannot handle, or unresolved problems.
The case of being unloved, a child on the spectrum might not be aware of it, or just not realise of his/her situation because of not knowing how it is outside his/her situation. However, the individual can take on the negativity, but still wondering "What is wrong?". That child will grow up without self-esteem, and depression along other things can happen at some point.
Another case, it could be that , there is a child. That child actually does have a family, but for whatever reason, for things like miscommunicaton, misunderstanding with the family...Reasons like that, the child because of not knowing the social protocol, could feel unloved. In this case is not true, however, because that child does have a family, and they love him/her.
Depression has different causes for each individual, because everybody has different experiences, and that is why it can manifest in a different way.