Certain foods cause me phlegm and post nasal drip, including cheese and milk products, but I like cheese, and sometimes like to make homemade ice cream out of powdered milk and chocolate Ovaltine, so I put up with it. I don't really care much for just drinking milk, so I don't usually buy liquid milk. Keeping the powdered version around makes more sense, as it won't go bad on me. I have also never liked adding milk to cereal. I prefer to eat dry cereals that way. I will sometimes make cooked cereals, but use water in the cooking process. I will sometimes add a little juice or fruit preserves to the cooked cereals, though.
I have had a lifelong problem with acid stomach and acid reflux. I found that greasy fried foods and stress made it a lot worse, so some years ago I switched to rarely having greasy fried foods. Living with relatives caused most of my stress. Almost ten years ago my living situation changed to a solitary one, reducing my stress levels, so now I rarely need to use any antacids. I actually still have part of a bottle of chewable mint antacids that I brought with me when I moved up here almost a decade ago. That's how good my changes were.
I have always had a weak bladder, but usually make it to the bathroom in time. Unfortunately, I sometimes get too engrossed in surfing the web, or wake up with too full a bladder.
I have IBS, and have always had bowel problems, sometimes diarrhea, but mostly constipation, and colonic inertial. I found out some years ago, through a colonoscopy, that I have a kink in my bowel, which I had suspected for decades. The bowel problems eventually led to my getting hemorrhoids. I tried probiotics, but they give me diarrhea. I have tried every type of fiber laxative available here--Metamucil types, Citracel types, and Benefiber, but they give me gas and diarrhea. Fiber from eating fruit, veggies, and whole grains is gentler on my system, while still doing the job, but none of that will cure the kink in my bowel, but they do help some. As long as I am able to poop, it's best not to have surgery, as that usually leads to scar tissue gradually building up, causing a new blockage, and then you have to have surgery again in a few years to remove that new blockage, leading to more scar tissue, another blockage, and more surgery, etc., etc., etc.,.
If a man does not keep pace with his companions, perhaps it is because he hears a different drummer.
Let him step to the music which he hears, however measured, or far away.--Henry David Thoreau