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05 Apr 2015, 2:06 pm

Not really, neither are great but both are pretty much the same. Both a tad simple, not overly complex or it confuses me. I also hate complicated fancy words and grammar that is correct but a bit complicated. Speaking is also pretty much the same. Often words dont come out in the correct order or i forget the right word.


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05 Apr 2015, 3:34 pm

I definitely type/write better than I speak. It gives me so much more time to organise my thoughts and choose my words. I often can't say exactly what I want to say when I speak, even if I've rehearsed it beforehand (though I've been improving). Sometimes I'll just draw a blank or say something I didn't really mean. Verbal communication just goes by too quickly sometimes. I don't talk much anyway though, so I doubt a lot of people notice any problems. :P

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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05 Apr 2015, 3:48 pm

I'm about the same. Not too much to say while trying to think of what to say.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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05 Apr 2015, 5:36 pm

I'm a good [excellent] speaker, but I could never do a public talk or presentation due to inability to concentrate and poor self esteem. I have a strong, soothing powerful voice presented with humor, cynicism and a smile...
My strengths are as an excellent interrupter, making valuable verbal links to discussions and asking curly questions!

My writing is terrible as dyslexia means even when I proof read many spelling errors with spellchecker, I still :!: miss so many errors, especially grammar mistakes [need grammar checker :!: ].
It takes a great deal of energy [and anxiety] to make a perfect page.

Fault finding meaning is my real strength, seeing and listening for errors in meaning, both written and spoken. Not much BS gets past me!

But I'm quite different than most here with my ADHD and dyslexia.

I comment a lot in our national newspaper, and they have taken to misspelling me or editing in bad grammar..... because I say things they dont want to hear!
I have also noticed they do this to others in the comments section, especially anyone pro cannabis, anti system, they will make them look dumb.
Extremely abhorrent narcissistic behavior from religious nut jobs!!
Oh well, its their newspaper I guess.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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05 Apr 2015, 5:51 pm

I'm level 1 on the spectrum and I write better than I talk.


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05 Apr 2015, 6:05 pm

Typing is so much easier. It's like my fingers understand my thoughts and my voice does not. And then on top of that, my voice gets confused, and I have to try to figure out what it actually wants to say. And then I get lost and spend all sorts of time struggling out its words. I end up saying things and they say they are good, but they're actually so much less than I wanted to say. They're things that had been so much less that it had caused me issues because the meaning was so different. They're so much less that people think they understand and they don't have any clue of what I had actually wanted to say.

But my fingers understand. My fingers can predict what is wanted to be said. I can put my hands down and type and words appear on the page in front of me. I can do this and words flow. They share my thoughts. They share so much more of what was meant to be shared. They don't make it so that I'm lost and struggling and even make it so people understand.

I like to type.

I has a blog (that isn't in lolspeak):


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05 Apr 2015, 8:14 pm

I'm a severe stutterer and have severe social anxiety as well. When I talk to people in real life I sometimes don't even respond because of it. When I do reply, I often say whatever I can "get out". Which might be an unintentional lie or a non-answer. I know people just want me to say something. The truth is often harder to say because it tends to be more complicated. So I might say I haven't seen any movies lately because discussing what I have seen is too much for me. I also have difficulty remembering things when people ask me. I once told my uncle I was a year older than I was. Not realizing I had done it till my mom was talking to him and corrected it.

It's a constant struggle because obviously my family isn't going to suddenly all become text-ers on my behalf. They all want normal social interaction. Same as everyone else. All I'm really good at and feel comfortable with is typing. So I was beyond stressed out before and during Easter. I'm always stressed out and anxious in "normal" social interaction. It's difficult to not be able to express yourself and be afraid people will take it personal.


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05 Apr 2015, 8:22 pm

Not long ago I typed better than I spoke because I had a LOT of social anxiety. Now it's the same. Also, I used to need a lot of time to think of how to say what I want to say; now I don't.


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05 Apr 2015, 8:45 pm

I write/type better than I speak.

I can type very fast, so I can get out what I am thinking quickly.

I normally speak well enough that most would not think I am autistic. But my family and those who are close to me (ie. spend enough time with me) know that I when I talk, I jumble up my words, mix up sayings, say words the wrong way, lose my train of thought, can't find the word I want to say, etc.

I have people tell me all the time, "oh, that happens to me too." I always want to ask "Does it happen to you all day long, every day?" These problems are a way of life for me.

When I am feeling extremely emotional, I can't even talk about it. I must write it. The problem then is that it comes out SO INTENSE that I really should not let anyone see what I wrote, if I wrote it out as a letter to a person.

I wish more of the people I know IRL would be "penpals" online via email or something. We'd get to know each other so much better. I can be pretty quiet in person, especially if I don't feel I have the ability to take the time I need to open up. Writing/typing allows that "space" so I can get it out.


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05 Apr 2015, 8:51 pm

My working memory (executive function) sucks so speaking can be a bit difficult for me - the words stumble out of my mouth in an inarticulate mess and people often have trouble understanding what I'm saying at times. Writing is easier. It's quieter too, so I can more easily gather my elusive thoughts together and externalise them.

"Lightning is but a flicker of light, punctuated on all sides by darkness." - Loki


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05 Apr 2015, 10:23 pm

Yeah I do. I think a lot of people do - its not necessarily an autistic thing. For lots of reasons- there is no delete key when talking, responses have to be fast and sometimes I start talking before I think about what I am going to actually say, and confidence is a big factor too. When you type- it is as if everything you say, is said at once- while thats not how regular conversations go- where the person is responding (through facial expressions or words) as you are talking.


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06 Apr 2015, 12:09 am

Do You Type Better Than You Speak?

God yes.

Music Theory 101: Cadences.
Authentic cadence: V-I
Plagal cadence: IV-I
Deceptive cadence: V- ANYTHING BUT I ! !! !
Beethoven cadence: V-I-V-I-V-V-V-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I
-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I! I! I! I I I


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06 Apr 2015, 6:56 am

Yes, way better.
I often hear people that know me personally saying that I talk more and more clearly when I'm typing.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
Yellow-bellied Woodpecker

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06 Apr 2015, 3:59 pm

I think my brain works at different speed than the rest of me. Typing is fine because I can take my time. Although, I know I come off sounding brief and clinical a lot of times when I write.

The hardest thing is actually reading out loud! I can talk better than reading out loud.

I also live inside my head. It's a fun place!


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07 Apr 2015, 12:42 am

Pretty easily, I've actually been complimented on my writing quite a bit recently which is praise I have a hard time taking since I've never considered myself any good at it since I didn't do well at it at school. I have kind of auditory processing or hearing problem or something so I have that on top of being a mumbler, writing is a lot easier to be clear and precise both ways.


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07 Apr 2015, 1:04 am

ToughDiamond wrote:
1. I can edit the written word to improve it, but when I speak, there is only the first draft, which can be pretty naff.

5. I'm alone when I type, so I'm more likely to be calm and clear-headed, I can choose a calm time, and I don't have to worry about body language and all the other distractions.

This 100%.

Though for me I can type and speak fluently. It was very difficult growing up trying to socialize, and at times it is still an obstacle, but if it's a familiar situation I feel comfortable in my own voice more-so than I type. There's a large tendency to misconstrue what someone is saying on text, and so people tend to perceive incorrectly of what I usually say online compared to when I speak verbally where it is very coherent. If it's on a topic that I don't feel fully comfortable or familiar about, then I may get lost in my own speech and that then is where it really shows hindrance.

My problems with text is not only how people interpret me, but also the lack of emotion that is absent as well. That's why we use emoji's and stuff to indicate said emotions. However, I generally have a knack to know how someone is speaking based on how they type.

After playing MMORPG's for many years where typing is the only form of communication, it's easy to distinguish the type of personality the person is portraying, even if it's just words in the act of expressing themselves. It's much more complicated than that, but I know who I wish to speak to based on how they type; And the person doesn't need to caplocks or use emoji's for me to comprehend if I continue to speak to them, or avoid.


Because of another member in the earlier posts, (Can't remember the name, it's late!! !) gave me the inspiration to also use Vocaroo to express to you all on how I speak versus to how I type. There is a little bit of error here and there, but mainly because I had just finished crying from an emotional bout I had previously before I logged into WP, and yadda yadda yadda.

Enjoy! Or if your ears bleed, then I apologize.

Link. ^