ToughDiamond wrote:
1. I can edit the written word to improve it, but when I speak, there is only the first draft, which can be pretty naff.
5. I'm alone when I type, so I'm more likely to be calm and clear-headed, I can choose a calm time, and I don't have to worry about body language and all the other distractions.
This 100%.
Though for me I can type and speak fluently. It was very difficult growing up trying to socialize, and at times it is still an obstacle, but if it's a familiar situation I feel comfortable in my own voice more-so than I type. There's a large tendency to misconstrue what someone is saying on text, and so people tend to perceive incorrectly of what I usually say online compared to when I speak verbally where it is very coherent. If it's on a topic that I don't feel fully comfortable or familiar about, then I may get lost in my own speech and that then is where it really shows hindrance.
My problems with text is not only how people interpret me, but also the lack of emotion that is absent as well. That's why we use emoji's and stuff to indicate said emotions. However, I generally have a knack to know how someone is speaking based on how they type.
After playing MMORPG's for many years where typing is the only form of communication, it's easy to distinguish the type of personality the person is portraying, even if it's just words in the act of expressing themselves. It's much more complicated than that, but I know who I wish to speak to based on how they type; And the person doesn't need to caplocks or use emoji's for me to comprehend if I continue to speak to them, or avoid.
Because of another member in the earlier posts, (Can't remember the name, it's late!! !) gave me the inspiration to also use Vocaroo to express to you all on how I speak versus to how I type. There is a little bit of error here and there, but mainly because I had just finished crying from an emotional bout I had previously before I logged into WP, and yadda yadda yadda.
Enjoy! Or if your ears bleed, then I apologize. ^