I'm getting sick of hearing this overplayed meme. I'm an aspie male, and I hate doing math. Not only that, but I have a lot of trouble understanding abstract mathematical concepts, even stuff that people younger than me usually have no problems with. I've been taking a 10th Grade-level math course over the last few months just so that I can upgrade my high school math to a higher academic stream, and much of the material has me absolutely stumped.
It took me years to really be able to do mental math, after they tried forcing it on us throughout elementary and middle school, and by the time I started getting the hang of it, I was already in high school where they FINALLY started allowing us to use calculators in class. As well, in 3rd Grade, I remember struggling with memorizing my multiplication tables, and again, it took me a few years before I got that down, by which time it wasn't a concern for the other students. Ever since 9th grade, I've had a horrible time with algebraic equations, particularly ones where you have to rearrange or "simplify" things to get the answers you need. I understand what variables are, I just can't solve for them worth a crap unless the equations that use them are really simple (i.e. 6*y=18; y in this case is obviously 3, as 18/6=3).
Oddly, I find that if I'm doing math work I actually understand, and the concepts are logical and make sense to me, I actually get an odd sense of enjoyment out of it. Weird, considering that when the questions and the work are illogical, which they are most of the time, I f*****g hate it. I guess I can say I'm good at basic math, but not the complicated BS, and even then, it took me many years to get to where I am now.