cavernio wrote:
Let me get this straight; trying to be more 'advanced' as a society and civilization by getting rid of natural things like diseases and violence is playing into what current society deems as prized, and that's unnatural and is not actually good, but you then strongly support the idea of understanding of different forms of people. To accept violence is to pretty much give a death sentence to autistics unless they are physically very capable. But even then, they wouldn't band in groups to protect themselves from other people like everyone else would. More animal instincts means you would not exist today.
You are right, more violence would mean that I would not exist today. We need more understanding than violence. But here, I am talking about accepting one form of violence and denying the other.
I mean if I become even mildly violent because of my autism, then someone may put me to prison and want to give me death sentence because my behaviour is not acceptable. Now, that death sentence/putting me in prison is a form of violence on me too. Why is that legitimate and my violence is illegitimate ? Individual violence ( such as anger, meltdowns ) is instinctual and sometimes cannot be suppressed at our will.
State sponsored violence is legitimate and Individual violence is not because state sponsored violence is done as a reciprocation/ reformation or to counter individual violence. That is also ok. But what is not ok is that changing all animal instincts ( violent or not )by force.Violence is an extreme thing that might need to be controlled, I do agree with you but not all forms of animal instincts lead to violence. What about those instincts ? again understanding would be required, I guess.
I have noticed many violent children who have ADHD. Their behaviour is not acceptable or even desirable. Parents are having a tough time with them. But these children are not even conscious of their violent behaviour , especially children who are 2 or 3 years old. Only by accepting that violent nature/animal instincts exits even in children we can proceed on to understand the complexities of human behaviour. Ideal state and perfection is something we all want but in reality things are a bit complex and imperfection and perfection co-exists.