I have so many , it's almost pointless to name one or two only.
I stimm quite a lot in public (because I have to) ,
I don't feel comfortable around people (which I see mostly as scary apes always at the mercy of the next crazy thought they get in their heads and mete out their insanity upon you), which is why I prefer to be alone, and be far away from people as possible.
The stims I have that NTs violently attack me for (much of the time, you better believe it), are:
humming (soothes me) , rocking back and forth, tapping hard on surfaces with my fingers (I love hollow plastic surfaces the most, wood is good too), whistle tunes constantly to myself (this also calms me), and (how do I explain this stim....) I put a finger (usually my index or pinky finger) up and line my eye up with the edge or the middle of an object that I see (out there , in the real world). This stim makes me feel safe, and I feel the stim mostly in my eye, and the satisfaction that I hit the edge, corner, or center of the object accurately. I know, ... It's kinda "out there".
I almost got into many serious fights with as*holes, rednecks and racist blacks because they usually interpret my hand-eye-object stim as a gang sign, a challenge to them, or a kind of a "f**k you" hand signal. And usually this threat of altercation usually happens when I don't realize the person is there, or even looking at me.
So needless to say, my hand-eye stim (because I have to raise my hand up to my face to do it) causes me great anxiety and fear (when I'm in public), because the truth is: humans are extraordinarily violent and aggressive, and if you're autistic and you're out there in public and you're stimming and some NT redneck or negro thug gets the wrong "signal" from you, even if you're not looking at him, you might as well start digging your own grave, or at least apply for disability now, because you're going to get all your teeth and brains knocked out of you.
If you think I'm exaggerating, I live in a very "culturally diverse" area (liberal progressive term), and there are a lot of gangs in my area, poor people, thugs, and generally unsavory people, and I've been SOOOOOO lucky, because there's a handful of times when these low lifes got the wrong signal and basically were tooth & nail out to kill me.
A group of rednecks were even following me through the neighborhood, taking down my license plate number, and threatening me , throwing beer bottles at my car :< . All because I stimmed at a traffic light.
So now you know why I don't like most people.
People are violent. They really are just insane apes, that think they're masters of the universe.