CryosHypnoAeon: I truly feel very badly that you've had such a bad experience with NTs (ie, violence and emotional abuse, you've cited)----but, that fact IS, I don't think there's a person, HERE, who HASN'T. I totally understand you're feeling bitter, hurt, angry, etc.----cuz, we've ALL been hurt, have had to work-through pain, embarrassment, anger, etc. Some of us manage it, at a younger age, than your 38 years----some of us haven't managed it, even by the time we're almost 60----which brings me to the topic of your OP.....
Age means ABSOLUTELY NOTHING regarding one's intelligence, maturity, wisdom, etc. A prime example is right here, on this site----we have a just-barely-a-teenager who is going-on, about 30; and, at-the-same-time, we have a just-barely-a-teenager, here, going-on about TWO. All-of-my-life I've met 50 / 60 year-olds that didn't have a brain in their ENTIRE BODY----and, I've met (in-person, I'm talking-about, now) 17 / 19 year-olds, with a VERY good head, on their shoulders.
One can't even say "experience" makes a person smart, wise, whatever----cuz, IMO, it depends-on whether someone has learned anything, from that experience----and, applied it. Lots of people (ASDers, as well) learn things everyday, but don't APPLY it.
IMO, it takes a combination of things, to get-along in this world----NO MATTER if "this world" was created by NTs, or NOT. If the world was created by ASDers, do you really think you'd get-along, with all of THEM?
You mentioned in one of your posts about the doctor, from whom you hoped to get your Dx, treating you like an idiot..... We've ALL experienced people treating us like an idiot; AND, doctors, generally speaking, of course, can be total butt-wipes----again, as many of us have experienced----so, you just go to ANOTHER one.
Again, as for the violence of NTs: I'm truly sorry you've experienced this, but I think most of us HAVE. There's people, here, who have been beaten-up, bullied, physically, emotionally, mentally abused----and THAT was by their families (myself, included)----BUT, here's the thing..... THOSE PEOPLE are WRONG----NOT YOU!! Yes, it can seem like a terribly violent world, at times----I was in 2 different locations, the-other-day, where fights broke-out; but, I was unharmed, so I just went-about my business----but, don't let it influence YOU----even if it's just at the point of being a victim, as it seems you're experiencing, right now, because you're seeming to say you hate NTs. HATE will NEVER make you feel better, in the long-run----it'll only kill you, LITERALLY!
In conclusion, if you're being the best person you know to be----if you're learning everything about social skills, realizing there's always room, for improvement, etc.; if you're being kind, caring, etc.----then, when you run-across someone (ASDers, included) who's NOT being nice / accepting / patient, etc., just brush-it-off, and keep-on going. I know that's not easy to do / accept, right now, cuz you're hurting, but that's what we ALL have had to do, to survive!
White female; age 59; diagnosed Aspie.
I use caps for emphasis----I'm NOT angry or shouting. I use caps like others use italics, underline, or bold.
"What we know is a drop; what we don't know, is an ocean." (Sir Isaac Newton)