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31 Mar 2007, 11:02 am

RedMage wrote:
Visual spatial skills? What's that?

I meant to answer that, sorry. This refers to things like the ability to basically mentally turn things around. THIS is what they look for on IQ tests when they show you a shape, and ask you to pick the shape from ones given, but the original shape has been rotated. It IS good for things like map reading, and probably helps to build a mental map of geography and can be used to follow and reverse them. ALSO, it is probably easier for a visual thinker to have such skills, but I don't think they go hand in hand, ironically.



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31 Mar 2007, 11:04 am

Metal_Man wrote:
My visual and spatial abilities always measured off the charts. My sense of direction has always been above average. I do a lot of hunting and fishing and rarely need a compass to find my way. I just seem to know what the right direction is.

I'm the same with sense of direction, I can't explain them well but I just *know*. I can sort of feel it as a pressure against my skin when I try to think of objects or rooms in relation to my body.


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31 Mar 2007, 11:20 am

EarthCalling wrote:

They are breathtakingly beautiful, but who PAYS $200.00 for an egg! Sometimes I don't know who is the bigger aspie, my mother or her buyers!

I'll repeat what other people have said- those eggs are extremely gorgeous! I've seen very masterfully-coloured eggs, but none of them was as crowded and detailed as your mother's eggs. :D It's too bad I'm not allowed to shop online.

On the topic... on whichever IQ test I've taken that tells me my skills seperately, my spatial skills have been one of my highest. I find it really easy to rotate things in any way in my head, to the point that I sometimes write my letters and numbers backwards and don't realise it until somebody points it out. And I'm not dyslexic at all.


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31 Mar 2007, 11:22 am

have good visual spatial... like i can think of complex shapes and rotate them and such w/o looking at the actual object.... like i can draw a really nice human figure in a weird pose w/o an actual model or pic. think this helps with my research... i do development and im working on studying how the gonads grow in this particualr species... it's a lot of visual thinking and predicting how this three D shape thing will change and grow over time.... I LOVE IT

when i went to a psych for an IQ test... one of the tests they did for me: they gave me these cubes that were 1/2 red and 1/2 white (on the same cube, just cut through the diagnal)... they game me a grid of 8x8 and then showed me diff pics of arrangements for the cubes and timed me while i matched my grid to the pic they showed me. it was like doing crazy 3D tanagrams. they said i successfully mimiced more of the sample pics in the allotted time for this section of the test than had anyone else... meaning i was able to reproduce the pics fster than anyone they had seen previously. i vividly remembr this part of the test the most... it was my favorite :)

i'm generally ok with direction if im on foot.... like i generally know what direction from whence i came (i used to play in the forest too and have never had much trouble with directions in that kind of environment)... but for some reason, you put me in a car... i can't find my way for sh#*^. i've lived in my current city for 2 yrs and have been driving in it for 3 yrs.... i still get lost whenever i go anywhere by car... if i want to go to places A and B... i leave my house, go to A, go back to my house, and go to B... sometimes i'll even do this if i know how to get from A to B directly... think cause of anxiety.

i also can't seem to walk a straight line whilst astride with someone... i've run many people into walls or off the curb of the side walk. i don't generally do this if i'm holding their hand or moreso, if i'm holding onto their arm... like you do with a bf/gf. i've actually kinda noticed that i prefer to walk slightly behind people when i walk with them... but i've found this annoys people.

one of my work friends at the lab actually studies this kind of stuff... he's in the neuro dept and plays with mice in mazes and cuts up their brains... he's studying hippocampus function and it's relation to spatial learning and how it relates to autism. he jokes with me that he "doesn't know" if i'm AS or whatever... but i got a crumby hippocampus at any rate lol...

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31 Mar 2007, 11:40 am

i'll have to dig up my report to find out

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20 Dec 2008, 1:56 pm

My highest scores are visual-spatial, next comes verbal, then comes working memory and processing speed. Lowest are daily living skills and social.



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20 Dec 2008, 3:14 pm

Visual...good...I think...I mean my creative functioning operates on of my aspie "super-powers" is that someone can ask me to find something and I will get a visual flash of where that object is if I have happened to have seen it in the last several months or so...and I can go locate it...usually...unless it has been memory is very visual-oriented...but only sometimes...I can't remember faces very well unless I know the people very well..I will "see" where a building is located in my mind..but I cannot tell you the cross streets...
And then when making sock creatures, I see a pair of socks and visualise what it is going to be...or some such...and know just where some random scrap I need is located within the huge pile of stuff..etc...

Spatial very bad...I dropped out of an art class because the first assignment was to design my "dream home" I just couldn't get it to come together...All of my non-sock-related artwork completely lacks depth perception....i am very good at portraits...not good at landscapes...or good at drawing objects...not good at placing them within a context....

not good at turning objects around in my mind...I know this because I practice...and I am bad at it.



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20 Dec 2008, 3:17 pm

My visual spatial skills are excellent.

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20 Dec 2008, 3:38 pm

I always scored high on visual spatial parts of IQ, and I was good at mapping things. Taking a 3D object to 2D is easier for me than most, but it's something I've learned. Taking a 2 D object and visualizing it in 3D has always been easy for me.

As far as direction, I often seem to lose my sense of it. Like, I'll think I'm facing north, but actually I'm facing south. Mainly when driving like I can't figure direction with all the curves of the road, but I generally usually know which way north is supposed to be if there is a river or interstate nearby (again having some issues with details of curvatures), and I always know what side the river is on. I used to do a game with a friend where we'd try to get lost in back country roads, and we never got lost, so then we'd see a road in the distance and try to find our way to that road, and that happened a lot, although sometimes we went offroading to get there. But, I also have this thing when I'm driving alone and lost in thought or very tired, like I sometimes pass my turn and not realize it until after the fact. Sometimes, it's not about direction as much as creative problem solving. Like when my friend and I was in Lower Manhattan in NYC visiting, we wanted to get to Jersey. She was driving, and we kept driving in circles not finding the bridge. Finally I just told her to follow the Jersey plates, and that took us to Jersey.

While if you dropped me in the middle of a jungle, I probably wouldn't be able to tell you where I'm going. I would just aimlessly walk until I could figure it out. But, if you gave me a compass with whatever they call that line on it, paper, a couple writing utensils, a scientific calculator, a pack of cigarettes with a lighter, and some Diet Coke, I could map out the whole jungle (with approximate distances in feet based on pacing and some pretty pictures on the map).


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20 Dec 2008, 4:15 pm

I have no sense at direction at all. But I can read maps very easily. I can remember maps in my head very easily, but when I'm driving, I can't put it together. 8O

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20 Dec 2008, 4:18 pm

Whenever I go anywhere in the car with my parents, my dad very easily gets turned around and/or lost..On a familiar rout, he will often forget which way to turn..but he has been a draftsman, and alot of folks in his family are architechts and engineers..


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20 Dec 2008, 4:22 pm

I can't explain to people where I live, I hate it when people ask me for directions and I get lost really easily. I also can't do math in my head because I can't keep the numbers "organized" and just stuff like that. Visual memory... terrible.

Apparently, I still score in the "above average" range (perceptual IQ measures visual spatial, right?... then again, I think IQ tests are BS), but there's a definite discrepancy between my perceptual IQ and my verbal IQ (verbal is 41 points higher).

I've had to drop classes because my visual spatial difficulties made them impossible. Impossible not as in I was failing, but impossible as in, I'd get a C minus if I was lucky... and that's not how I do things.


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20 Dec 2008, 5:33 pm

Below average visual-motor coordination, impaired visual and spatial processing and memory. I have NLD, so yeah.

Not all those who wander are lost... but I generally am.


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20 Dec 2008, 6:21 pm

I was in a spatial relationship with someone crazier than I was for 8 years; does that count?...;)

Actually I'm pretty good in 3d, but I make 3d models (on a computer) for fun. I remember some tests like that (unfold the following piece of paper [a picture], and show which shape it would be)...that sound familiar?


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22 Dec 2008, 1:26 am

Does anyone know any exercises to improve spatial skills?

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22 Dec 2008, 5:07 am

My visual-spatial skills are excellent (top 1%). I love architectural and technical drawing, and looking at maps. Also must have a visual representation in my mind when trying to understand concepts. This can create a processing delay or odd prob-solving methods mistaken for lack of intelligence.