South Texas coast here. July-November it's hotter than hell here so that might be a favorable alternative. 8>
Diagnosis and treatment for Asperger's and Nonverbal Learning Disorder really helped in beginning to understand some of my behaviors and reactions. Your university may have a health service that could give you some direction on which avenue to pursue in a formal diagnosis and understanding.
Stupidcat wrote:
Howdy Aspies! I only recently, within the last year, came to terms with the fact that I might have Asperger's. My best friend, who has recently been diagnosed with ADHD, has been on to me get formally diagnosed. I didn't think too much of it at first but lately my compulsive behaviors and anti-social tendencies have been getting more and more difficult to deal with. I would like to get a formal diagnosis but I'm not sure where to start looking. So if you Texas Aspies can help me out I'd really appreciate it. Fortunately, my university is located near all of Texas' most major cities so distance doesn't matter much.