I am an officially-diagnosed Aspie.
Results of your Short Autism Screening Quiz
You scored a total of 34
Based upon your responses to this autism screening measure, you have symptoms associated with an autism spectrum disorder diagnosis. People who've scored similarly to you on this screening measure will usually meet the diagnostic criteria for autism or Asperger syndrome, a milder form of autism.
People with an autism spectrum disorder often suffer from severe and sustained impairment in social interaction and the development of restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, and activities. The disturbance must cause clinically significant impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning.
You should not take this as a diagnosis of any sort, or a recommendation for treatment. However, some people with similar scores seek out further information and potential diagnosis & treatment from a trained mental health professional.
This is not meant as a diagnosis tool!
If you are suffering from feelings which are causing you concern and interfere with your daily functioning, you should seek immediate treatment from a trained mental health or social services professional within your community.
I added the bold and italics for emphasis.
While online tools my indicate a possible issue, only an appropriately-trained and licensed mental-health professional can render a diagnosis that is both valid and official.