GoofyGreatDane wrote:
I think you are smart enough to pass the driving test. I don't think you should give up. Its likely that you know how to drive but are doing something wrong in the exam. Most experienced drivers couldn't pass the test- because the test can fail you for technicalities that most people overlook. For example- if your front bumper passes in front of a stop sign- its an automatic fail in my state- even though you actually need to do that to see if there is any traffic. You should try a better driving school. The instructors have some idea of whats on the test- so can help. You just need to learn how to pass an exam- not necessarily become a better driver. Really anyone can pass the test- its just the technicalities that get most people.
well in my state, you need to know things such as emergency lights, defroster, switching lane properly and smoothly, and can't make even one of the errors listed in the critical errors, which is why i falied both times. first time because i was driving on a short stretch of road 35mph when speed limit was 50 and driving 25-ish on streets. second time was because tester kept saying to switch lanes, and i didn't see the car on that side and switched lanes and narrowly avoided getting hit.