I was always behind in school, but there seemed to be always moments, that teachers talked to my parents about me being intelligent enough to be able to perform at school.
To me school memory is a big blur, I could not comprehend what was going on and lots of anxieties.
I was too much in my own mind and had no real concepts of what was going on, at that time people were just objects to me and I had a hard time understanding.
I was not put in special ed in the sence of a special school as that did only exist for people with severe intellectual disability or another form of school for people with criminal challenging behaviour, both I did not display.
But I was put into special ed courses, so being taken away from class for a couple hours but I still did not understand what was going on.
All my years in school I relied on a sort of photographic memory, I repeated writing things down always again and then I memorized exactly how the sheet of paper looked like, but no real understanding of the matter.
But somehow I could finish sort of high-school, but from then on I never succeeded in any education anymore, demands were going up, also being able to work in a group, which I had no concept about.
About age 15 I developed some autodidactic way of learning, which started with languages, and best I learn autodidactic.
I did not under stand the ways people wanted to bring information to me.
English is not my native language, so I will very likely do mistakes in writing or understanding. My edits are due to corrections of mistakes, which I sometimes recognize just after submitting a text.