Amy wrote:
Magic I have that same special ability! Its like an in built global postioning system. I love it, very useful, very often I can tell precisely where magnetic north is too, which has been tested many times, do you find that too?
This is fantastic! You are the first person who understands me!
My compass has a maximum error of about 20 degrees (I think it was slightly better in my childhood). But the magnetic declination can cause similar inaccuracy (e.g. in Seattle, WA compasses are off from true north by 18 degrees), so it's not really that bad.
It is usually within 5-10 degrees of true north.
Do you see directions without thinking? For me it is something like seeing color. Each object that I see has an "orientation", for example a room has red walls and a window facing South. If the owner repaints the walls green, the room would surely look different. Similarly, if it were in a mobile home and the owner moved it so that window would now face West, the room would look completely different to me. Do you also experience it this way?