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21 Sep 2015, 2:35 am

Out of curiousity, I took Kiriae's "Open Minded Test" and ended up with a 60% score, higher than I expected.

"Small talk is for small minds."

Neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 125 of 200
Neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 93 of 200

Total score-161.0 Language-18.0 Social relatedness-69.0 Sensory/motor-39.0


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21 Sep 2015, 2:59 am

I missed the quiz when I posted earlier. I just took it & got 80%

"I don't have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem!"
~King Of The Hill

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~Ferengi Rule Of Acquisition #190 ... cquisition

Blue Jay
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21 Sep 2015, 5:08 am

I believe I am open minded in the sense that I am willing to learn about and take on board new ideas about people or things. Although I generally believe I am always right, I will accept otherwise if you can back it up factually.

I am however, closed minded to things that do not interest me or do not directly affect me. I therefore do not watch the news unless my husband has it on and even then usually I put my headphones in so I don't have to listen. It usually makes me angry. I don't understand why the world is filled with so many bad things/people and so I don't want to hear or see it.


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21 Sep 2015, 5:17 am

I'm probably so open minded my brain fell out :) Actually, I missed out on so much fun in my life because I wanted things just so, so I decided to imagine less and try more. With breaks in between.

Have you seen the film "Yes man"? It's an interesting experiment. Perhaps a little on the extreme side of things, but if you are really bored, why don't you just do one new thing every day? If it's too exhausting, take a break and do the things you usually do until you are bored again :)

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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21 Sep 2015, 10:30 am

the quize dont fit me

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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21 Sep 2015, 10:35 am

first qaustion ...your freind..and i dont have freind..

and all qaustion


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21 Sep 2015, 3:41 pm

I'm fairly open-minded, although my mom and my sister are so closed-minded that they expect me to be the same.

NO THANKS! :evil:

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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21 Sep 2015, 5:33 pm

I would argue that most autistics, naturally being outside the "norm" and thus less susceptible to hive mind controls, would have a higher rate of "open-mindedness". We like our routines, but that has nothing to do with a closed mind, it has to do with stability. That being said, I think most autistics think things through thoroughly (say it five times quick), unlike the vast majority of NT's that make instantaneous decisions, both good and bad.


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21 Sep 2015, 6:10 pm

Kiriae wrote:
Apparently I am 88% open minded, without even taking the test!

As soon as the page opened, it said "You are 88% open-minded".

This tells me right away that the test is either seriously flawed or purposely rigged.



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21 Sep 2015, 6:30 pm

Fnord wrote:
Kiriae wrote:
Apparently I am 88% open minded, without even taking the test!

As soon as the page opened, it said "You are 88% open-minded".

This tells me right away that the test is either seriously flawed or purposely rigged.


No, the OP posted the link generated from her results. I cleared the results, took the quiz, and was told I was 48% open minded. There's some sort of error that it doesn't clear the results.


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22 Sep 2015, 12:03 am

I got 55% probably because of the racist and mygnosist part. I would think lot of people wouldn't accept that.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.

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22 Sep 2015, 12:24 am

League_Girl wrote:
I got 55% probably because of the racist and mygnosist part. I would think lot of people wouldn't accept that.
I'm not sure how that question affects the answer. If you answer that you find you have a lot in common wouldn't that make you close-mided? but if you answer that you wouldn't accept it wouldn't that also mean your close-mided?

"I don't have an anger problem, I have an idiot problem!"
~King Of The Hill

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22 Sep 2015, 4:02 am

nick007 wrote:
League_Girl wrote:
I got 55% probably because of the racist and mygnosist part. I would think lot of people wouldn't accept that.
I'm not sure how that question affects the answer. If you answer that you find you have a lot in common wouldn't that make you close-mided? but if you answer that you wouldn't accept it wouldn't that also mean your close-mided?

I also felt those were "loaded" questions, possibly the reason I scored as high as I did with 60% when I expected 50 at the very best.

"Small talk is for small minds."

Neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 125 of 200
Neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 93 of 200

Total score-161.0 Language-18.0 Social relatedness-69.0 Sensory/motor-39.0


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22 Sep 2015, 5:29 am

well i am apparently 2% open minded (reasonably good for a pre - programmed robot)

i often post my extreme scores in various quizzes, and i think some may think i am not being honest so i will show how and why i answered (not to show how i am, but to show how the answer is not necessarily reflective of the truth)

1. Your friend asks if they can choose an outfit for you to wear, one that is radically different from your own style. You…
* laugh in their face. No way. [i chose this option but it was only because it was the most apt. i would not laugh however]

* grudgingly let them pick an outfit, but refuse to wear it in public. [i would not bother to waste my time watching what they may pick]

* reluctantly try the look out in public. [no]

* LOVE this plan! So much fun! [no]

2. You discover that your favorite author is an outspoken misogynist. You...

* never read his books again. [no]

* feel a little upset, but continue to read his books because you enjoy them. [no because i would not be upset]

* like him even more... because you're a misogynist, too! [i chose this option because it would make me more interested in him due to the fact he is likely to cause hilarious reactions from hysterically sensitive and easily offended people. not because i am a misogynist.]

3. You strike up a conversation at the park with an old man who seems a little senile. You quickly realize that he's got some surprisingly racist beliefs. You…

* chew the old man out for being close-minded. [no. what would be the use?]

* get up and walk away. [no]

* understand that there could have been many factors that led to him thinking this way, and gently try to open his mind. [no. it is boring when everyone is nice and well mannered with bleeding hearts. everyone is the same usually]

* discover that you two have a lot in common! [i chose this option because i would appreciate his bravery to express his views, and i would find it funny to hear his reasonings. sometimes people who are bigoted but harmless are very funny to me because i find their thought processes absurdly ignorant and interesting to listen to. one old man said to me once that the reason there are so few chinese (he meant asian) people in jail was because they all look the same so the police never know who they are looking for from just a description. i could not stop laughing at this and it was excellent entertainment to listen to that old fellow]


4. What do you think about books/movies/TV shows that feature an uncertain ending, where the audience/reader is left to imagine what happens next?

* I think it's great sometimes. [no because i am not a fan of fiction and have limited imagination for such things]

* I think it's lazy writing: No thanks. [i chose this option. i had to click an answer to get to the next page, and so this option was the best of 2 inaccurate descriptions of myself]


5. Would you be willing to try a strange new dish in a foreign country? For example, if you were offered pig brain fritters in Cuba, or cold donkey meat in Beijing, would you try it? (For vegetarians, imagine being offered an unusual fruit that smells rotten.)

*Sure, I'll try anything. [no]

*I might try *some* weird foods, but not all. [no]

*No weird food for me, weirdo. [i chose this option]

6. Do you believe your nation could learn something from other parts of the world?

* Sure, there is always room for improvement. [i did not choose this because it is not always the case that one's nation benefits from adopting successful strategies from foreign environments. for example, arabs may benefit from having laws that cut off people's hands if they are generally more inclined to thieve as a race than nations where a lesser punishment is a sufficient deterrent]

* I doubt that very seriously. [i chose this option even though i do not agree with it. i had to choose it as the most apt option in order to proceed to the next question.]
7. Have you ever had a real conversation with a homeless person?

* Yes [i did not choose this option even though i have had many interesting conversations with homeless people. i have never been homeless and so i am not speaking from the same experience and state of despair. i think it would be pretentious to say i have had a real conversation with them because i have never suffered what they have and could not understand that feeling like they do]

* No [i chose this option only because it is less incorrect than the previous option]

8. Do you sometimes find yourself changing your mind about important social and political issues as you learn more about them?

* Sure

* Sometimes

* Never [ i chose this option because i never have been sufficiently interested in social and political affairs to form any solid opinion, and therefore i never change static positions as mine is always fluid.]

9. True or False: In life, there is almost always a right way to do things and a wrong way to do things, and it’s easy to see the difference between the two.

* True [i chose this option because the question says "almost always", and i do believe that there are more things where the "right way" and the "wrong way" are clear to see than there are things where the distinction is blurred]
* False


10. Finish this sentence: "It's been done this way for 500 years, and..."

* it will always be done this way. [obviously not]

* probably for a good reason. [i chose this option because anything that is done in this day and age of accelerated technological development that is done the same way as it was 500 years ago is most likely to be adequate to service it's role. wheels are still round. windows are still clear. doors still open. anything that needs refinement will more than likely be refined with the millions of brilliant minds armed with the technological knowledge to do so, and if it is not done yet, then it is not a pressing need to improve it's way of being done. the disclaimer to holistic application of this sentiment is the word "probably" in the option. beliefs and attitudes that prevail in religion etc are exceptions , but they are not methods of doing things. ]

* it's probably about time for a change. [change for changes sake (of already existing things) is the hallmark of a bored and uncreative mind.]

* I'm sure we could come up with a better way to do it. [if one does not know of a better way of doing it, then the mere opinion that it can be done better is just lip service to modern trends of progressiveness in the mindsets of young people who prejudiciously assume that anything that was not designed by their generation is by virture of that fact, obsolete.]

so after all that............2% open minded.


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22 Sep 2015, 10:32 am

nick007 wrote:
League_Girl wrote:
I got 55% probably because of the racist and mygnosist part. I would think lot of people wouldn't accept that.
I'm not sure how that question affects the answer. If you answer that you find you have a lot in common wouldn't that make you close-mided? but if you answer that you wouldn't accept it wouldn't that also mean your close-mided?

I put I would boycott them. For the author, I would never want to read his books because he is a mygonosist, and the other I would walk away because he is a racist. I guess that makes me closed minded but I guess we all are in certain areas. What if we found out someone was a pedophile or a child molester or a former child abuser? I guess we would all be closed minded.

Son: Diagnosed w/anxiety and ADHD. Also academic delayed and ASD lv 1.

Daughter: NT, no diagnoses. Possibly OCD. Is very private about herself.


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22 Sep 2015, 1:26 pm

I've found the more I think something through and try to reason any point I make, the more I'm accused of being close-minded and unreasonable, and of trying to impose my views. I was taught to feel bound by logic, but noöne else seems to feel that way when arguing with me, and this always becomes an extreme disadvantage for me. The concept of a serious, rational and respectful debate seems so arcane I wonder how I ever got the idea that it could exist. Besides, since everybody rejects it and defeats me with fallacies and personal attacks, usually deciding I offend them and they're giving me what I have coming, it seems to serve absolutely no practical purpose.

The red lake has been forgotten. A dust devil stuns you long enough to shroud forever those last shards of wisdom. The breeze rocking this forlorn wasteland whispers in your ears, “Não resta mais que uma sombra”.