beakybird wrote:
Chummy wrote:
beakybird wrote:
30400v wrote:
Start making music
Great idea. Unfortunately I don't play any instruments. Really wish I would have learned one, but I doubt I could have actually played anything.
It's NEVER too late to learn an instrument. Some are easier than others like Ukulele. Music will keep you occupied and it does make one happy.
While on the one hand you are right, I couldn't see myself getting anything out of playing an instrument unless it was a guitar bass or drums. Maybe keyboards. Just like my interests my musical tastes are extremely narrow. Metal or bust. I literally think there's not a single song in existence that I like that couldn't be place in a metal subgenre. Nothing else interests my ears at all. Much actually pisses me off like country and pop.
So I'd have no idea what to even do with an instrument that isn't a typical rock instrument.
So learn a typical rock instrument. If you like to sing as well go for either keys or guitar. Bass/drums are fun as hell if you have backing tracks or play in a band with friends. Every genre can be played with those instruments. It's either different sounds (say on keys or electronic drums), different playing technique or different instrument (model, pickup etc.)