Edenthiel wrote:
Just curious...does this happen on a cyclic basis? Also, what harm is there in calling the crisis center?
I don't know how to answer this to be honest, I have been rejected before and got depressed over it but I rarely get depressed for no reason. If I had to answer I guess I would yes and no, I have been suicidal and depressed before but never to this level of not being able to function. There is not immediate harm in calling crisis but my doctor has made it clear that if I continue this behavior she will say I can no longer live on my own and has threatened to place me in a group home setting. I don't want this as I enjoy having the freedom of independence.
Calling crisis hurts me in the long run, rather I lose my housing or my financial independence, either way its bad. Also sorry I didn't get back with you sooner, I saw your post when you posted it and fell asleep due to being up for days and days and slept until now.
LtlPinkCoupe wrote:
I also cry when I'm depressed. Hope you feel better soon, dcj123. *HUGS if you want them*
Hugs are welcome but I received them from my ex friends all the time, they are apparently meaningless.
kraftiekortie wrote:
Why would I insinuate that you're violent. That doesn't make sense. You've shown no evidence of being violent.
I'm saying that one should be free to pursue one's desires as long as it's not harmful to self and others.
Right, sorry I guess I am applying what people say about me offline to my online life. I apologize, I hope I haven't angered you, I was just confused. Everywhere I go people insinuate I am violent and I have yet to figure how I communicate that, I don't normally get angry, if I could figure out what causes that I would gladly change it.
Last edited by dcj123 on 13 Oct 2015, 12:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.