GodzillaWoman wrote:
Edenthiel wrote:
Oh, my gosh, those are hilarious! I kinda wish ours were like that, the way they chain off each other like a two-person game of "telephone".
It's not helped much by the fact that my wife has actual 50% hearing loss. It's a wonder we understand each other at all. Or that the neighbors don't complain about us yelling "WHAT?!??" at each other all the time.
Oh hey, that's cool, much less marital fighting that way.
I may have to deafen my husband specifically for that purpose.
My brother replied, "It says so in the Lord's Prayer! 'Our Father, who aren't in Heaven, Howard be thy name!'"
^ This is seriously one of the cutest things I've ever heard.
When I was really little I thought "Huart" was another name for God because of that very line, which I heard as "Our father Huart, in heaven." Sounds vaguely ancient Mesopotamian, doesn't it? The great sky-god Huart...
I also thought Mary magically produced fruit like Jesus magically produced loaves, fish and wine, except in a more earthly and somewhat disgusting way, because of the line in the Hail Mary about the fruit of Mary's womb. I figured the "Jesus" that came right after was simply because prayers were supposed to mention Jesus somehow, so they just stuck it in there, or something, sort of like an "amen." As to the fruit, I could only guess how it got out and fed the people and I didn't really want to know.
I also worried about the "mother of God" part because that was what my mother often yelled when she was mad.
I absolutely love your outlook, GW. Thoroughly enjoy your posts.
Last edited by NowhereWoman on 26 Oct 2015, 2:05 am, edited 1 time in total.