TheAP wrote:
My obsessions usually last several years--the ones I listed above have been around for between four and nine years. They don't make me skip sleeping and eating or keep me from participating in any activities, usually. The most they do is distract me from my homework.
The Powerpuff Girls wrote:
They usually last a few months or more. The intensity depends on how much I like whatever I'm obsessed with. Like the Powerpuff Girls are probably the most extreme I've had so far. I've probably spent $1,000 so far on merchandise and gaining quite a bit of stuff. I haven't a lot of money, or I would buy more stuff. Living with my parents who give you a hard time about money and get scrutiny when they see you receive a lot of packages in the mail is another.
It's interesting to see how varied in duration, topic and intensity special interests are. Sometimes when I read about AS special interests are presented as some sort of problem, but it seems to me that is often not the case. Though, I do hope you do not spend more money than you have The Powerpuff Girls. But from your quote it seems you stopped buying while waiting for more income. In which case I think what you spend money on is no ones business. I feel lucky that my work coincide with my interest. In my previous job I was kind of unhappy because my spare time wasn't enough to both pursue my interest and spending enough time with my girlfriend to make her happy (I chose the latter).
As for me I try to avoid accumulating things. I think it is difficult to throw away stuff and if I buy more than I get rid off it accumulates (continuity equation) which means there are more things to tidy up. I like order (not compulsively), but I do not like to clean. I also think very thoroughly about what I spend my time on and the way I see it all things I own I must spend time on, at least it will take a few hundred milliseconds each time a need to lift it up to wipe dust under it. Each object in itself is not a problem but the multitude is. For this reason I have a big project right no making sure I only own stuff I need, and making it as efficient as possible, so I can spend my time on what makes me happy, yet not having to look at a mess.
I may very well find other peoples collections fascinating, though.
Many traits but no official diagnosis. Certainly BAP, possibly AS.