Susanne Atanus says Autism is god's punishment

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28 Nov 2015, 6:56 am

Even though I know the definition of dementia, I am not familiar enough about it to be able to make an educated comment about it. But I do know that Autism has been around a lot longer than gay rights and legal gay marriage have been. So she might need to revisit her timeline.

And "bad weather" has been around since the beginning of time. And I too believe that God reigns over the weather patterns but I can't go so far as to say that weather is bad sometimes because people have Autism. So what does it mean when the weather is good and we have magnificent days?

In Genesis 6, when God got so fed up with human's unrighteousness, He just wiped out the entire planet and started new. He promised not to do it with a flood again but I believe He could certainly do it again with something other than a flood if he wanted to. But I don't believe He singles out groups. And Romans 3 says that we all have sinned, every single one of us. Whether it's a white lie or mass murder, we are all sinners, no one is righteous in and of ourselves. So to say that God is punishing us with weather because of gay rights is ridiculous.

Whatever you believe about homosexuality is not the point. What the Bible teaches is that everyone of us past the age of Godly innocence is lost if we have not reconciled with God because every one of us has sinned at least once in our lives. Sin, by definition, creates a separation from God so one sin creates that no matter what the sin is. God loves every single one of us whether we are homosexual or not. He is also upset when every single one of us when we sin whether we are homosexual or not. God is the ultimate perfect parent. He loves his children but does not love when they do wrong. So to say that God is angry because He is singling out one single group is not accurate.

And Autism is not a disease. And Jesus had tremendous love and compassion for people who had diseases and he taught others to have that same compassion. So her statements are just wrong.

Since she claims she is a Christian woman, maybe she should actually read the Bible.
Here is a quote from the NIV children's Bible which is my favorite Bible.

John 9:1-3
As Jesus went along, he saw a man who was blind. He had been blind since he was born. Jesus' disciples asked him, "Rabbi, who has sinned? Was the man born blind because he sinned? Or did his parents sin?"
"It isn't because the man sinned," said Jesus. "It isn't because his parents sinned. This happened so that God's work could be shown in his life. ..."

And you can read the story to see what happened next.

I do like that she is in favor of raising the minimum wage though. But I would not vote for her.

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28 Nov 2015, 8:10 am

I am a Christian and a Republican (with far-Right leanings); I in no way feel these things stated in the original post and I know the God that I worship would never do such things as "punishment". Absolutely ridiculous.

[ White, Diagnosed Aspie Male, 44-Years old ]


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28 Nov 2015, 10:13 am

Religion is a drug (in this case, an hallucinogen), and faith proves nothing.

During an interview with the Daily Herald newspaper, Atanus blamed natural disasters and mental disorders on recent advances in LGBT equality and legal abortions.

"God is angry. We are provoking him with abortions and same-sex marriage and civil unions. Same-sex activity is going to increase AIDS. If it's in our military, it will weaken our military ...", she said.

Reference: "Susanne Atanus, Who Blames Gay Rights For Tornadoes, Wins GOP Nomination For Congress," -- Huffington Post, April 10, 2014

It's self-appointed prophets like her that give Christianity and the Republican Party a bad name.


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28 Nov 2015, 11:29 am

Well then I suppose I best start repenting for crimes that I've not even comitted. Honestly crap like this makes me want to divorce myself from humanity.However not all persons on this entire planet have been brainwashed nor theologically indoctrinated as such so, I'll continue to do my best regardless of such cult-like nuts

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06 Dec 2015, 7:21 pm

Fnord wrote:
Religion is a drug (in this case, an hallucinogen), and faith proves nothing.

During an interview with the Daily Herald newspaper, Atanus blamed natural disasters and mental disorders on recent advances in LGBT equality and legal abortions.

"God is angry. We are provoking him with abortions and same-sex marriage and civil unions. Same-sex activity is going to increase AIDS. If it's in our military, it will weaken our military ...", she said.

Reference: "Susanne Atanus, Who Blames Gay Rights For Tornadoes, Wins GOP Nomination For Congress," -- Huffington Post, April 10, 2014

It's self-appointed prophets like her that give Christianity and the Republican Party a bad name.

Hi Fnord,

This is what Scripture says religion is:

James 1:27 - Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.

So I disagree when you state, "Religion is a drug". The real problem is not religion here, it is none other than mankind's closest friend, ignorance. Many people, religious and non-religious are ignorant, and like to mouth off opinions that lack any good thought or reason. I admit it is very frustrating, and when you have ignorant people masquerading as Christians, it puts a bad taste in people's mouth.

I do agree with your view that this lady in question is speaking as a sort of "self-appointed" prophet. Jesus spoke against this kind of mindset here:

Luke 13: 1-5 - Now there were some present at that time who told Jesus about the Galileans whose blood Pilate had mixed with their sacrifices. Jesus answered, “Do you think that these Galileans were worse sinners than all the other Galileans because they suffered this way? I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish. Or those eighteen who died when the tower in Siloam fell on them—do you think they were more guilty than all the others living in Jerusalem? I tell you, no! But unless you repent, you too will all perish.”

I have not seen the fruit and humility of repentance in Susanne Atanus's life. There are facts she states which are just plain false. She should start by reading scripture for herself, and giving correct and truthful information, before deciding that autistic people are God's punishment to promoting homosexuality. Really? So that means if I have Asperger's, then I'm God's judgment to man? I take offense to her comments.

I don't think my parents, Church, or friends would feel the same way. :lol:

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06 Dec 2015, 8:30 pm

Belief in ancient writings is what leads otherwise decent people to burn women for witchcraft, drown their kids to save them, fly planes into buildings, and blow themselves up to enter Paradise.

None of which seem like the kinds of acts that a sane person would do.


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06 Dec 2015, 8:47 pm

Norny wrote:
She has anus in her name, haha

And....guess who's oriface ( if ya move a letter or two around).


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06 Dec 2015, 11:07 pm

Fnord wrote:
Belief in ancient writings is what leads otherwise decent people to burn women for witchcraft, drown their kids to save them, fly planes into buildings, and blow themselves up to enter Paradise.

None of which seem like the kinds of acts that a sane person would do.

What about belief in communism, which has led to the slaughter of 80+million people in the last century alone. One of things communism is good at is "social cleansing" where they completely reject and dispel ancient writings and religion from society.

So using your logic, the rejection of belief in ancient writings has led otherwise decent people to commit far more massive atrocities in the last 100 years, than those committed by those who do believe in ancient writings in the last 2,000 years.

Here is some interesting reading for ya:

Let's not forget about the Nazi led Holocaust which killed an estimated 21 million people. 6 million at least being Jews. The Nazis loved to burn and destroy ancient writings along with many other books.

No, I think your conclusion is invalid, and poorly researched or thought out. Ignorance of ancient writings, self-righteousness, absolute power in the hands of single individuals, greed, cowardice... these are what lead "decent people" (if there really is such a thing), to commit the crimes you listed.

The face of evil, and the scum of the universe is mankind as a whole. And they don't need ancient writings to be such.

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06 Dec 2015, 11:36 pm

I am just as conservative as the next guy, but what does my Autism have to do with what people do with relationships huh?

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06 Dec 2015, 11:59 pm

marcb0t wrote:
Fnord wrote:
Belief in ancient writings is what leads otherwise decent people to burn women for witchcraft, drown their kids to save them, fly planes into buildings, and blow themselves up to enter Paradise.

None of which seem like the kinds of acts that a sane person would do.

What about belief in communism, which has led to the slaughter of 80+million people in the last century alone. One of things communism is good at is "social cleansing" where they completely reject and dispel ancient writings and religion from society.

So using your logic, the rejection of belief in ancient writings has led otherwise decent people to commit far more massive atrocities in the last 100 years, than those committed by those who do believe in ancient writings in the last 2,000 years.

Here is some interesting reading for ya:

Let's not forget about the Nazi led Holocaust which killed an estimated 21 million people. 6 million at least being Jews. The Nazis loved to burn and destroy ancient writings along with many other books.

No, I think your conclusion is invalid, and poorly researched or thought out. Ignorance of ancient writings, self-righteousness, absolute power in the hands of single individuals, greed, cowardice... these are what lead "decent people" (if there really is such a thing), to commit the crimes you listed.

The face of evil, and the scum of the universe is mankind as a whole. And they don't need ancient writings to be such.


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07 Dec 2015, 1:47 am

What if neurotypicals are God's punishment?

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07 Dec 2015, 4:54 pm

Norny wrote:
She has anus in her name, haha
Good job Norny. You're getting the real important part of news :lol:


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07 Dec 2015, 8:11 pm

What if neurotypicals are God's punishment?

:lol: Probably not, but it sure feels that way sometimes. Some divine chastening for all us bad little Aspies! :P

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08 Dec 2015, 6:56 am

tall-p wrote:
“We will not support her at all,” Del Mar said. “We don’t want anything to do with her.”
That’s right. They won’t support her. They’re too busy supporting the candidates who think Mexican immigrants are rapists, that Joseph built the pyramids in order to store grain, and that being gay is a choice. Given the Presidential candidates in the Republican Party, Atanus is hardly out of place on the Right. “God did whatever idiotic thing I’m about to say next” is practically their slogan.

Schakowsky, I assume, is thrilled at her entrance into the race.

The reporter is clearly very biased here. I'm leftist myself, and I can see that most far-Right aren't like Atanus. I've met far-Right parents of autistic kids, and even a few far-Right autistics, all of whom would hate what Atanus is saying.

Also, not all Christians are right-wing, either. My parents and most of their congregation are left-wing Christians (Anglican, though my Dad used to be Catholic). They feel that Jesus wants them to defend the outcasts and the downtrodden, just as He did. And they don't think God has a problem with gays. (The Apostle Paul obviously did, but he didn't speak for God in everything he said. Most of the Bible was never intended to be read as the literal word of God, but rather the collected writings and opinions of prominent believers.)


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08 Dec 2015, 7:42 am

That will be why there is only a stairway to heaven but a highway to hell. :P

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10 Dec 2015, 8:26 am

Davvo7 wrote:
That will be why there is only a stairway to heaven but a highway to hell. :P

Matthew 7:13-14 NKJV :)

"... for wide is the gate, and broad is the road that leads to destruction...but small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

Every once in a while, AC/DC and the Bible agree on something...