kraftiekortie wrote:
A woman eating alone probably wants to be alone, and doesn't feel like hanging out with somebody.
It's similar to the library situation. I don't find that women like to be approached in libraries.
Women might be more amenable to converse with somebody during some intellectual activity like a lecture. Or at a sporting event. Or maybe even in the supermarket while shopping.
Maybe I'm different.
1) I generally eat alone because I don't have anyone else to eat with. Doesn't matter whether I want to be alone or want company ... if there's nobody else but me, and I'm in the mood for a certain kind of food, I'll go to a restaurant alone. If people are offended by my mere presence, oh well. If a waitress judges that I'm a poor tipper just because I'm a single female, then she's got a poor attitude and doesn't judge well. Sometimes I do go with a couple of casual friends.
2) I'm actually used to socializing in libraries. My university was weird ... people hung out and talked so much that they had to put up "Quiet Zone" signs so the few students who actually wanted to study quietly could find a few seats. A group of us formed our own subculture there and had bad pun wars and played harmless pranks. And now I find that there are Star Trek clubs that meet in libraries, or used to, anyways, before they raised the cost of renting the library meeting rooms. So I equate libraries with being a possible place to make friends.
3) At a supermarket while shopping is where I freeze up and get afraid to talk. If I see a neighbor in a grocery aisle, I will literally try to hide really quick in another aisle so the neighbor won't see me. That way, I don't have to get stuck not knowing what to say after "Hi, how are you?"