I don't talk to many people. Never really have done. I like long, discursive, philosophical/psychological conversations that veer off at many tangents. Which is to say, I do best in conversations that match how I think. Otherwise I can find it hard to not simply go off on one, following my own train of thought. If I do it out loud, I bore those I'm with. If I do it in my head, I get caught up in there and forget I'm with company. Probably start drooling or something, too.
I need my interlocuter to have a mind that moves like mine, so we can riff off each other, allowing the conversation to be pushed and pulled this way and that, questioning each other and ourselves.
In my experience, those best suited to this have been oddball women. One of those is Mrs Hopper, who suspects (with good reason) that she may be autistic.
Of course, it's probably quite a bit more complicated than that.
You know sometimes, between the dames and the horses, I don't even know why I put my hat on.