Unfortunate_Aspie_ wrote:
heffe1981 wrote:
Here are 8 short videos making up "The Guide to Common Fallacies" by the PBS Idea Channel on youtube. These may help others like myself who tend to be audio/visual learners.
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtHP6qx8VF7dPql3ll1To4i6vEIPt0kV5Ah! this was great! I like the ad hominen one but it infuriates me when i see it online- COMPLETELY unhelpful and ridiculous.

I found that one funny because they used Anthony Weiner as an example. For that to have worked there would have to be no connection between his personal judgement and his professional judgement.
If a person would do the things he did, then I assume he would be as careless with sensitive information as well. The person's ideas may be good, but, can he be trusted to carry out other duties that do not involve his ideas, but rather his full judgement.
Hillary Clinton would be a good example. The current email business is an example of bad judgement because of the following reason:
1) Her argument is it was done the way it was always done. This does not fly as we are in an ever changing technical environment. Hacking has been a proven problem with governmental resources by way of hacking into sensitive areas of information. This has been an ever growing problem for years now. Putting any sensitive information on a server that is not fully protected and secured from such dangers to the fullest extent possible is just not smart.
So, her ideas are good, but her judgement is not it seems.
Or, maybe I'm just wrong.
Diagnosed April 14, 2016
ASD Level 1 without intellectual impairments.
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