I have a couple of imaginary worlds. One is identical to this world, except all the children are neopets. I've written about 46 short stories about my main characters in this world, and they've become like a second family to me. I don't personally inhabit this world, it's more like I'm on the outside looking in, like watching TV.
My other world, I am a member of, and a very important one at that. It's called Nialiah, and it is essentially a forest full of magical beings, protected from the evil surrounding it by a massive magic, invisible dome. The gate can sense evil and violent intentions in people, and bars entry to all who might be a threat. There are wizards, alchemists, dragons, fairies, anthropomorphic animals, unicorns, gremlins, and creatures I've made up myself in this world. It's also full of magic, with a time window which lets you see into the past, a pool of water which lets you transform into any living being, and tree blossoms which heal virtually any injury or illness. I don't write stories about it, but I do have a notebook in which I draw pictures of the relevant aspects of the world, and record notes about them for future reference. It's my go-to safe space, and I always visit the characters there whenever I need confidence, support, or help with a problem.
I help protect Nialiah because I'm the only one strong enough to withstand the power of the amulet created a hundred years ago by the original mages who constructed the protective barrier that surrounds the forest. The amulet has to stay intact and protected, otherwise the barrier will fall and all of Nialiah will be put in danger from the evil beings that surround it in the darkness.
"Survival is insufficient" - Seven of Nine
Diagnosed with ASD level 1 on the 10th of April, 2014
Rediagnosed with ASD level 2 on the 4th of May, 2019
Thanks to Olympiadis for my fantastic avatar!