People, objects, bits of knowledge, anything can spur an obsession. If I could correctly identify the "it" that spurs obsession, I'd be a gazillionaire and marketing genius.
A person says something interesting, and I might become obsessed with something the person said, like a subject, the person themselves, or something that belongs to the person. Like the person's car. Or clothing, like if it's a plaid, is it an official tartan and whose and when did it come about and what was the history of that tartan in the world.
Some teacher would bring up something in school and I'd be off, bursting through the starting gates, faster than the speed of light (insert other cliches here) and NEEDING to understand hieroglyphics or paleontology or astronomy and star movement and red shift and the clouds swirl like the toilet water.
A guy sitting next to me in the planetarium at community college looked at me really strange and asked if "stars were my life". hahaha
Everything the instructor pointed at was memorized. I knew all their names. I knew what size and color they were. I knew a lot. I don't know squat now, because that obsession ended when the class did.
I am equally obsessed with people, and only on this forum can I admit it. Otherwise people (NTs) think it's weird. But I study them like I study a subject. I can get books on cars. Stars (astronomical or celebrity). But nothing on real people. With the internet I can often find their other messages.
By the way, you all might want to consider that your posts are searchable not only on this site, but via Google and probably other sites. Which is how I found this post.
I wondered if anyone else demands of themselves to completely understand something?
A friend pointed out that when I can't understand something, I beat myself up for it. It's true. I'm smart enough. Why don't I get it? It's because the "it" in people cases is simply because it has to do with people. I'm never going to get it. No matter how many posts I read.
I think people should come with the same instruction manuals that other things come with. Even if it's in PDF format.