Gaara wrote:
It's the stress of things out of my control. Of people purposely making my life even worse then it already is.
Plus I really don't like the term selective mutism. It's basically saying I'm choosing to be mute but I'm not.
I learned something about the term "selective mutism" when my psychologist was researching my own mutism and sent me a paper on it. It seems that some people will speak only to certain people, e.g., family but not at school. So that's what the "selective" is intended to denote and it's different from what happened to me forex in my first three years when I knew how to speak but couldn't speak to anybody.
I always find it hard to get people to understand that it's possible to know that you can talk but be unable to! My parents told me that during my mute period, they'd sometimes catch me practicing talking when no one was around. Which is a good thing, I suppose, since given how little they knew back then I might have ended up in an institution somewhere . . .