IpsoRandomo wrote:
I just wanted to know if anyone could help me with ordering supplies (e.g., what restriction enzymes and primers do I need, what procedure do I use for isolating the gene, cost, delivery time, and other ordering info) and offering general input.
You need a geneticist for to tell you that, and I am not at all sure that this type of biotech has been developed to the point where you can realistically do it as a school project.
If the correlation between height and intelligence is real, it would not need to have a genetic basis. It could come from some people experiencing malnutrition in early childhood, which impairs both growth and intelligence. If so, you wouldn't see the correlation in a population without malnutrition, if you can find one.
Then there is the possibility that because taller people are often perceived as more intelligent, they have more opportunity to develop their intelligence (only something between a half and a quarter of the variation in intelligence can be explained by genetic factors), and you could get a correlation that way. This would not show up as a correlation between height and any gene correlated with intelligence.
As far as I know, there is no single 'intelligence gene'. Many genes contribute, each of them a little bit. So even if your correlation is real AND has a genetic basis, the gene you want to look at may not have anything to do with height.
They looked at one another in incomprehension, two minds driving opposite ways up a narrow street and waiting for the other man to reverse first.