Edenthiel wrote:
For some reason, as a general rule it's okay in our society to be physically superior. Lauded, even. However, if someone shows signs of being mentally adept above average, they are immediately suspect. If they are also autistic and thus lack the ability to make up for that "flaw" they are outcast.
We've turned into a culture that has been taught via social learning to not value critical thought and intellectual prowess, either innate or trained. But beyond that, it has become somewhat suspect, even perhaps a quality to induce immediate distrust and wariness.
My guess is it comes down to the effects of unregulated capitalism, religion and democracy. Wonderful as they are, all of these are field ripe for intellectually abuse of people who are less intelligent than average. And the irony is that the people who've historically taught in subtle and overt ways that intellect is not to be trusted (the leaders of those three areas) tend to be above average and use their intellect in unethical ways.
If we were in a tribe with enemy tribes in the vicinity a strong person would automatically be in the army and therefore would be risking his life for everyone's benefit. The way muscular people are respected makes me think we have the tribe mentality.
A smart bookworm would have to prove himself as being an asset.