We can't know (at least from what you say) whether that particular guy was trying to conflate AS with neo-nazism; if he was, then he's trying to evade responsibility for and criticism of his political view, indifferent to the potential impact on others, and that's what political cowards tend to do, they look for and seize upon self-serving justifications to oppress others. I wonder why he did mention it.
He was under arrest and was going to stand trial for terroristic threats. I think he was trying to find excuses for his anti-social behavior. He kept on talking about his constitutional rights. (Those rights were taken away from people in Germany after the Nazis took over.) He told the judge that he was sorry for his actions and he "knew they were wrong." Afterwards, though, he was still spewing the same garbage as before. No one believed he was really sorry for what he did. Basically, he's a waste of oxygen, not contributing anything to this world except his foul mouth, his excrement and his flatulence. Ironically, a DNA test showed that he was 16% sub-Saharan African. He had black ancestors.
Also, there was a criminal attack on the Overland Park, MO Jewish Community Center several years ago. Three people were killed - all Christians. The criminal who killed them said, "I wanted to kill me some Jews." Ironically, he had spoken with the above-mentioned Neo Nazi the day before.