btbnnyr wrote:
BAP does not only apply to family members of diagnosed autistics.
The term started that way, from studies of family members, but then it became broader and now includes people who have mild autistic traits with or without them having family members with autism.
In my case I think that the specialist stated the diagnosis this way because she didn't recognize enough impairments in the interviews. After all, the only symptoms she can actually prove are the ones in the communication/social criteria. Although i scored pretty high in all the screening tests, I didn't really show many difficulties while talking with her since those interviews are not even close to what a real life social situation looks like, and she stated that I had many "competences". I understand that it could be difficult to diagnose an adult with certenty if hes not showing obvious impairments while doing the interviews, but I expected that a specialist with a ton of expirience would be able to take a decission with confidence and take into account how the actual difficulties in the life of the individual look like, not only in an "artificial" social situation like the interviews...
I wish that the specialist could observe me in a day to day social situation