Today I came across one of those sales/survey people, a black man, and he smiled and said, ''you look like a friendly young lady, could you spare one minute?'' It was a weekday morning, no crowds, but I generally had an appointment in less than five minutes, so I stopped and smiled and said, ''no thank you, I've got to be somewhere and I'm running late already''. Because I was calm (because there was no crowds) and it was a sunny, hot morning, I was polite, as he was a nice friendly man.
But last Saturday, it was all a different matter. It was busy, there was crowds and crowds of people, I was feeling stressed and not in the best of moods, and these demanding salespeople were calling out to me, and it just added to my bad mood and so that was why I was a bit rude. Also I don't like being surveyed when it's crowded, because people probably walk by and gloat because I'm caught with the salespeople while they are walking by and don't have to stop. I do get self-conscious like that when I'm in crowds. I can't help it. I just like to get what I want and get home again, and I don't want to be bothered by anyone (unless I know somebody).