People with Autism Solve the World's Problems?

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07 Jun 2016, 6:07 pm

I think you should start up the website. It might become a big hit. Also, I've been autistic for 41 years.

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07 Jun 2016, 6:15 pm

kraftiekortie wrote:
In addition to peer-reviewed research articles, I would also make a provision for there to be anecdotal accounts which either prove or debunk the articles. And which also serve as a complement to the formal research

I believe, in order for it to have the desire effect, one would have to insert into your proposed Forum more than just research articles.

One of the problems pertaining to autism awareness is that it has not trickled down to the general populace, by and large. Part of the reason is because "the new autism" has not been presented, by and large, in ways comprehensible to the general population. Instead, the general population has been given doses of the "old autism" as one disorder, rather than a Spectrum of disorders.

There should be a glossary which explains certain research terms, like ANOVA, for example. In case somebody reading the forum is interested, but has not had access to formal research.

I like these ideas, I'm thinking something like content types. For a particular topic/problem, you could post a research article, a modification or addition to a topic glossary, a comment or rebuttal to a research article, maybe a dataset to be used by others in their research (I've read about Aspies who enjoy collecting data), etc. The organization would need to be done right but I think that would work.

Thanks for your advice, I really appreciate it.

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07 Jun 2016, 6:19 pm

All that mixed with anecdotal accounts.

There could be discussion. But arguments where people insult each other personally should be banned. And the rule has to be enforced consistently. You can slam the idea, but not the person. And don't criticize the person for even considering having that idea.


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07 Jun 2016, 6:52 pm

PrivatePyle99 wrote:
As for partnering with an institution or professor, that would probably be much more difficult. I'm good with software, not so much with people or organizations. I agree it's a fantastic idea, just don't know if it's something I could accomplish. I'm also not always great at coming up with practical ideas (like the peer review system, I wouldn't have thought of it) so there would be areas I'd have to find help with. I can make a computer do just about anything somebody wants it to do, but coming up with the ideas and features isn't necessarily my thing. I may have friends who are willing to help, I just started thinking about this today.

Even from a purely practical standpoint, this isn't going to stand as a single person project for long. Get someone with strong social skills on board ASAP. You'll want someone like that when making professional connections and you'll need them when running a large social space.

Also, I disagree with the idea of having debate. There is already literally infinite space online for that. I would make it not a place with a "back and forth" but a place of only forward motion. Arguments will just impede progress. If you disagree with the goal of a project, do something else or bring your ethical concerns to the site administration.

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07 Jun 2016, 7:15 pm

I think it is a good idea, but will be very time consuming to get off the ground, and you'd have to be prepared for it not to work out. 80% of all new businesses fail. I imagine it's similar with web sites.

I like keeping it autistic. That's the only thing that makes it different from everything else and has the potential to present autism's positive side. Plus the question: What could autistics do in collaberation?

But it seems beyond the average Aspie's range. Of all the people here for instance, I doubt more then a few could participate. Except on a very basic and probably not very scientific level. We are for the most part not scientists.

I could for instance go out in my property and study some weird ant behaviors I have noted. (I like ants! :mrgreen: ) But it would be like at Freshman level, of High School!.

P.S. But it's not even a world problem.

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07 Jun 2016, 7:45 pm

-The debate / argument problem has come up for me before, it's a tough one. I'd love to have a place where people could debate ideas logically and in a civil manner, I've thought about it before because I'm a political debate junkie, but I haven't come up with a technological way to eliminate the personal attacks that always come up. Maybe A/I will get us there but I don't think it can yet.
-The time consuming problem isn't a problem as I am not currently working, rarely leave my house, and am bored out of my mind. That's why I started out asking about obsessions and whether they could be "directed" because I could really use one right now. Also, there's very, very little in my life that I would brag about, but I can build software very well and very quickly.
-As to all the worlds problems already being identified and solved, I'm pretty sure people have been saying that for hundreds of years. And if the problems are now that we know the solutions but can't enact them because of human flaws, they maybe the problem we should work on is how to correct those flaws. I'm not saying that's the case, just that there are still solutions out there to be found.
-I completely agree that if it worked, I would very quickly need help from someone who could handle the people side of things. I also agree that the odds of it becoming successful would be low and, in my life, I'm quite used to failure. I don't see why one more would make a difference.

Basically, I've just been reading a lot over the last 5 weeks and it seems that while there are many challenges to having Asperger's, there seems to be benefits as well, pretty amazing talents that may be obscure or narrow but are still valuable to society. Maybe studying ants in your back yard will lead to new swarm patterns that could be used in nanotechnology or new construction methods for buildings, who knows? And so what if you're starting out at a high school science level, if you enjoy doing it, then what do you lose by doing it and explaining what you've found. Maybe what you write will trigger a thought in someone else to find the next great idea.

I'm not saying this is a great idea that will work, I just saw that there was a possibility that there was some untapped potential and while I'm not smart enough to solve any of the worlds problems, I could very easily build software to facilitate it being done by smarter people than I am.

"A feller wiser than myself once said, sometimes you eat the bear, and sometimes the bear, well, he eats you."
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07 Jun 2016, 9:24 pm

Debates/Arguments: Was about to say that I was on the samge page about A.I. being required but, whilst I was typing, I came up with another idea involving using self-learning A.I. to perform the discussions for the humans. More specifically, each individual sets up or programs or puts the parameters of their ideas into an A.I. that will issue the dialogue for them, although it may be a ways off yet for bots to be created in such a manner as to be both self-learning and have an easy platform for being able to receive user-input. Then the A.I.s will compute/process the data/input from two different users, followed by something like the equivalent of flipping a coin to determine which A.I. will make its opening statement, then the A.I. has discussions which consistently pass a Turing Test... here is an early example of attempts at trying to get robots to pass a Turing Test which has been successfully accomplished since at least a couple of years ago by the way (such as from Pepper the Robot in the Japanese-Market).

Time: I would like to work with you or maybe assign you some work to help me with some work if you have that kind of time available. The problem-solving of the future is mainly in automation or creating processes that are automated. Basically, the more time that can be saved from repetitive-tasks, the higher its market-value.
World-Problems/Solutions: One of the biggest problems right now revolves around "suppression" and "dis-information" operations that exist to prevent solutions from even being learned or discovered. Such information-control exists in the form of Astro-Turfing, Sock-Puppet Software (backed by A.I. that can pass Turing Test), run by Shadow-Corporations, etc. I would honestly rather just input this problem into an A.I. like I had described earlier, because I have made several statements in this paragraph that could easily trigger argument/debate, but there is plenty of evidence to back up these assessments which an advanced A.I. may be able to process much more quickly than asking another human to literally scour through the literal hours or in some cases hundreds of hours worth of materials I've combed through (humans tend to have lives after all, and even if they had the time to look at the evidence for themselves, I have also witnessed plenty of incidences where the average individual is far from free from biased/indoctrinated opinions).
Working/Failing: Here, I am going to speak in the capacity of a martial artist, and comment about how some people say that certain techniques either do not work or are impractical. Not all techniques are going to work in all situations, not everybody will know how to make a technique work, some techniques are too complex to be made to work at a beginner-level, but it is always possible to "set up" techniques to make them work, instead of trying to throw your queen across the board at the very beginning of a chess-match only to find that the attempt at check-mate results in guaranteed failure from the very beginning.

With all that having been said, I am actually quite interested in what kinds of software-programming skills you have, and if coding an A.I. would be too difficult at this stage of your skill-levels, then what about creating a web-site tool for purposes of being able to upload pictures of a product, such that I would be able to simply take pictures of the things that I am selling, upload them from the interface, and it keeps track of the quantity/inventory/availability ? Something similar to how the Amazon Seller-System is designed, but for a business-operator's own web-site, due to a large variety of products that I am unable to list through those Buyer/Seller Portal-Sites due to Listing Restrictions ?

PrivatePyle99 wrote:
-The debate / argument problem has come up for me before, it's a tough one. I'd love to have a place where people could debate ideas logically and in a civil manner, I've thought about it before because I'm a political debate junkie, but I haven't come up with a technological way to eliminate the personal attacks that always come up. Maybe A/I will get us there but I don't think it can yet.
-The time consuming problem isn't a problem as I am not currently working, rarely leave my house, and am bored out of my mind. That's why I started out asking about obsessions and whether they could be "directed" because I could really use one right now. Also, there's very, very little in my life that I would brag about, but I can build software very well and very quickly.
-As to all the worlds problems already being identified and solved, I'm pretty sure people have been saying that for hundreds of years. And if the problems are now that we know the solutions but can't enact them because of human flaws, they maybe the problem we should work on is how to correct those flaws. I'm not saying that's the case, just that there are still solutions out there to be found.
-I completely agree that if it worked, I would very quickly need help from someone who could handle the people side of things. I also agree that the odds of it becoming successful would be low and, in my life, I'm quite used to failure. I don't see why one more would make a difference.

Basically, I've just been reading a lot over the last 5 weeks and it seems that while there are many challenges to having Asperger's, there seems to be benefits as well, pretty amazing talents that may be obscure or narrow but are still valuable to society. Maybe studying ants in your back yard will lead to new swarm patterns that could be used in nanotechnology or new construction methods for buildings, who knows? And so what if you're starting out at a high school science level, if you enjoy doing it, then what do you lose by doing it and explaining what you've found. Maybe what you write will trigger a thought in someone else to find the next great idea.

I'm not saying this is a great idea that will work, I just saw that there was a possibility that there was some untapped potential and while I'm not smart enough to solve any of the worlds problems, I could very easily build software to facilitate it being done by smarter people than I am.

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