Tiankay wrote:
Aristophanes wrote:
I'm saying the responsibility is accepting it.
Could you please explain to me what you mean? I dont understand how you can be responsible for something you had nothing to do with? It happened. Thats a fact, it cant be denied. So i accept it happened, and that my life today would be different if it didnt. But i personally had nothing to do with it, and i dont identifiy with it. There are 2 generations of people between me and that Wehrmacht soldier. When i was born, the berlin wall was down and even the cold war was already done for 3 years. I agree that we should acknowledge the past, and learn from the mistakes our ancestors made. But there is no logical reason to feel guilt about them...
You didn't read it closely, I never said you should feel guilty, I said you should accept it happened because it still influences your life regardless of whether you were involved or not. You're part of a nation, that nation has history, you are a part of that history-- that's where conscience comes in. If you deny that it happened, deny that it influences you, etc, you're setting yourself and your nation up to repeat the same mistakes of the past. That's my point. I don't feel guilty for the plight of the Native Americans in my country, but I do accept what happened, and do accept that I have gotten benefits from their downfall. I also accept it was atrocious what happened to the Native Americans-- enough so you'll see my social conscience take over when current groups try to repeat those bad behaviors. That's all part of the responsibility of being a citizen-- accepting your history and learning from it, so your nation doesn't keep repeating mistakes over and over.