Basicly the article was a very in depth look at all variables & symptoms of mercury poisoning in comparison with autism/aspergers. It also looked at the rising autism rates in conjunction with use in the vaccines and the rise of mercury within the environment of industrial societies.
Aside from the mercury link, it was also very interesting to go through just for the in depth look at all signs and symptoms prevelant among ASD patients that are not on most standard diagnosis sheets or aren't usually thought to relate to ASD. So even if you don't agree with the mercury link or want to read the lengthy article, t's worth a look just to peek at their extensive symptom list.
They quit making vaccines with thimiserol in 2003 but are still using their already made supply rather than discarding it (for economic reasons) in some places in the US, though shipping most of it out to other countries for use there instead. And they still use it in some prescription injections such as cortisol.
The article mentioned some countries that had almost no incidence of ASD until around the time of introduction to vaccines with thimiserol, such as China that had almost no ASD prior to, and it has now been skyrocketing.
I did find out that the amount of mercury in a vaccine containing thimiserol exceeds the FDA/government regulations of safe use, though in reality, mercury is known to be extremely toxic/poisonous in even tiny amounts, though some seem much more sensitive to it's toxic effects than others. One thing stated in the article was that it seems that those who are more susceptible to immune disorders have a harder time processing mercury and have worse effects.
It's hard to say about the correlation: I read in some places it has been ruled, in some that it is possible in some cases of ASD but not all, some said the connection is being suppressed due to the contraversy of vaccines and push from the pharmacuetical companies, etc, depends on where you look for the info... And many sources from both sides are very reputable people with credentials.
Whether its related or not, who knows at this point as there seems to be so much conflicting data around.. Personally, even after extensive research, I'm having a hard time accepting or ruling it out either way but was definately worth a look and consideration.